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Gledam neke felge koje imaju raspon rupa 5x110 i 5x114.3, a moj auto je 5x112


pošto mi je ET blizu ideale ne trebaju mi distance prema tome adapteri otpadaju..


Molim nekoga ko se razumije da me uputi što mi treba...

Da li mogu kombinirat rupe 114.3 na 112 ili 110 na 112? koliko sam shvatio ide sa vece na manje a ne obratni.. ili? :blink:

Kako cu odredit koji tip mi treba (duzina, debljina, zakrivljanost ili sto vec)?


evo tu ima u ponudi:









evo našao sam! moze 114.3 na 112


Want to use Honda wheels on Audi? Honda owners want to use Merceders or Audi wheels? You'll need these bolts


These nuts have been designed with a floating washer attached, which can move approximately 1-1.5mm in a 360 degree circumference. This allows a wheel of correct centre bore size (hub centric) to fit several different PCD applications whilst still keeping the nut centralised and parallel within the recess pocket of the wheel avoiding cross threading the stud. Also known as wobble nuts. (http://www.priracing.co.uk)


1.5mm on each bolt, so the 2 most opposite bolts would have almost 2.5 to 3mm extra space. The different on Honda's 5x114 and Merceders / Audi's 5x112 bolt pattern is just 2mm difference, so they'll work.




ali mi jos ostaje pitanje koje vijke uzeti??

Edited by 13snc
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