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Kolegici s posla riknuo akumulator. Nakon što ga je napunila, radio (Blaupunkt Acapulco RDM 168) je počeo svakih 30sec proizvoditi beep zvuk. Naravno zvuk iritira. Trebalo bi unijeti code kojeg ona nema. Kako/gdje ga naći? Jel ima neki univerzalni code? I kako ga naravno unijeti.


Naravno nema nikakvih papira od radia.

Posted (edited)

frend se dogodila ista stvar na alfi 156...skinuo s neta nekakav blaupunkt kalkulator i riješio stvar....samo budi oprezan, jer mislim ako 3 puta krivo ukucaš onda idućih pol sata nesmiješ...mislim da je tak neka fora s tim...dobro provjeri prije i progooglaj...


što se tiče ukucavanja, probaj ovak:





Switch the ignition key ON


Press and hold AS button * and the ON button at the same time


Display Shows SAFE then goes to 10 - - - - with a "Beep" from the speaker


Press Preset Button " 1 "repeatedly until the 1st Digit of your Code is displayed

Press Preset Button " 2" repeatedly until the 2nd Digit of your Code is displayed

Press Preset Button " 3" repeatedly until the 3rd Digit of your code is displayed

Press Preset Button " 4" repeatedly until the 4th Digit of your code is displayed


If the display now shows the correct Code number then


Press Button AS and hold to Enter and if successful there should be a "Beep" from the speaker and the radio should switch on

Edited by Purger

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