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Bok ekipa ...:)


Pitao bi da li možda tko ima za prodat ili da me posavjetuje koji traku kupiti, što se upotrebljava i sl. oko izloiranja ispušne grane pa sve do topa. Radi za o motociklu kawasaki ninja zx6r iz 2007. Naime, planiram kroz koji dan kupiti jedan malo nama ''Rvatima'' slabo poznati isp. sistem Arata aka japanski Striker, full dakle sa granama sve od titana, sad je napokon cijena dobra a mislim da budem i nažico i shipp gratis :dance3vs1: E sad, ne bi to bilo samo tako, da za zx6r nemaju u ponudi full trkaču verziju pa ta izvedba ide na motor bez zaštitnih pojedinih plastika, umetaka i sl, a bez toga nije meni to to, i ja to želim da sve ostane ne motoru, no naravno tad se javlja problem povišene temperature oko cijevi pa su iz tog razloga oni maknuli višak tih plastika da se ne griju i ne rastope :mellow:, a i sam prodavač mi je sugereirao da nabavim termo izlirajuči traku i da time omotam dio grane i kompl. cijev od ''colectora'', i da či na taj način izbječi moguče topljenje plastike, jer da se to na taj način rješava. kako oni istu traku nemaju u ponudi...eto tražim savjet.


Vidim da toga ima na jebaju ko pljeve, no koja dobra, otporna, na što gledati ... onak odokativno bi uzeo min 5 metara.




@rio cyber: THX, znači niš posebnoga ... imam doma i azbesta, da to iskoristim...nekad su moji radili zaštitne rukavice pa imam doma još neš u nekim kutijama tog azbesta ...


@Dinnek: Ma za prvu silu barem onaj dio od colectora pa koji ide do topa ... čime si ti motao ?


Ovo sam našao sad na foumu :


Motaju se grane u azbestnu traku da bi zadrzale temperaturu ispusnih plinova a time i njihovu brzini

downpipe os Subaru-a



neš drugo ...IMG_0930.jpg

@rio cyber: THX, znači niš posebnoga ... imam doma i azbesta, da to iskoristim...nekad su moji radili zaštitne rukavice pa imam doma još neš u nekim kutijama tog azbesta ...


@Dinnek: Ma za prvu silu barem onaj dio od colectora pa koji ide do topa ... čime si ti motao ?


moja ti je kao ova druga, s ovom bijelom trakom je omotana... Cuo sam da imaju i neke crne grafitne trake koju su kao još malo bolje od ovih bijelih...


Polako tražim ...


Exhaust wrap

This little section almost needs to be considered along with turbos, above, because the two typically go hand-in-hand. When gas gets hot, it gets less dense. Less dense means less resistance to flow. It figures, then, that people who are looking at every tiny minutae of performance would want to wrap their exhaust headers. Why? Well exhaust gas exits the combustion chamber extremely hot (duh!) but it cools rapidly as it travels through the exhaust system. In doing so, two things happen. First, the gas becomes more dense and begins to resist flow, and second, as it does this, it disperses heat into the metal exhaust pipes, which in turn radiate the heat into the engine bay, raising the under-hood temperatures. The problem with the gas cooling down is obvious - it begins to slow down and provide resistance in the exhaust system. The problem with the under-hood temperatures going up is that it makes it more difficult for the engine to get a good, cold charge of air. (Colder air is more dense, which means better, more powerful combustion.) This is why you sometimes see vented hoods on cars; they're designed to let the hot air out and keep the under-hood temperatures down. So wrapping the exhaust headers with exhaust wrap helps because it basically insulates the metal exhaust pipes. This means they retain the heat better which in turn means the exhaust gas remains less dense and keeps up it's high flow rate. For turbos, this is a good thing because it means the exhaust reaching the turbo is travelling faster, which means the turbo spins faster, which means more air forced into the engine. Everything is connected, you see? So the ideal system would be a turbo, with wrapped exhaust headers, a vented hood, a cold-air unduction and an intercooler. That combination, whilst expensive, will give the coldest (and thus densest) fuel-air charge into the engine, whilst insulating the exhaust and ventilating the engine bay at the same time.

It's worth pointing out that not all exhaust wraps are made equal. If the wrap insulates too well, then the exhaust pipes get too hot and that can cause all it's own problems from engine bay fires to structural failure of the exhaust or turbo.

Point to note: It's only a rumour that exhaust wrap absorbs water and can encourage your mild steel headers to crumble away prematurely. If anyone tells you this, they're fearmongering.

moja ti je kao ova druga, s ovom bijelom trakom je omotana... Cuo sam da imaju i neke crne grafitne trake koju su kao još malo bolje od ovih bijelih...


Ma sad vidim da to nije opće neka nauka ... to je tak kak je ... a kaj onda da tu kod nas to kupim, gdje ? Kod nas 1 m od 31-33 kn ... malo damn to much ha ?


Ili ipak jebaj :




Rješeno, javio mi se kolega sa Ducati foruma i ima on doma još 10 met neke sivo crne, za 300 kn ...tak da sam to rezervirao, ako mi bude kaj ostalo javit ću, uglavnom 5 cm je široka i ima 2 komada po 5 met.



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