upravo naletio na ovu stranicu:
"Dynolicious is the first automotive performance meter available for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Dynolicious uses the hardware built-in to your iPhone to measure the performance characteristics of your vehicle. No external wires or equipment is necessary, simply slip the iPhone into a cradle or cupholder and go!
Some of the performance metrics Dynolicious can measure:
* 0-60 Acceleration
* 1/4 Mile Elapsed Time
* Lateral G's
* Horsepower
Unlike other accelerometer-based performance meters, Dynolicious uses the advanced data-handling and display capabilities of the iPhone to make the most of your performance testing. Dynolicious maintains a history of test runs, showing you averages and trends in your results. Dynolicious also allows you to enter modifications performed to your vehicle, and will instantly show before-and-after results to easily identify gains or losses.
Performance Measurements
* 0-60 MPH
* Other Speed Tests (0-10 MPH through 0-100 MPH in 10MPH increments)
* Quarter Mile Elapsed Time
* Quarter Mile Trap Speed
* Elapsed Time and Trap Speed for standard intervals (60', 330', 1/8 Mi, 1000')
* Lateral G's (current and peak)
* Braking G's (current and peak)
* Wheel Horsepower
* Estimated Engine Horsepower
Results Presentation
* Realtime Speedometer and Graphs
* Realtime graphical skidpad display
* View results for latest test run or any saved run
* View averages based on vehicle, date, or modification
* Compare results between vehicles, dates, or before-and-after modifications
* Rollout 0" to 24" (separate settings for 0-60 and Quarter Mile tests)
* Stores vehicle weight and drivetrain efficiency in your vehicle's profile
* Calibration routine gets the maximum accuracy possible with the built-in accelerometers
* A detailed accuracy analysis using professional timing equipment at a regulation dragstrip will be posted soon."
ukoliko se usporede cijene, G Tech SS je 200$, RR je 300$, iPod Tocuh u HR je 400$ i jos se treba kupiti Dynolicious software... najskuplja opcija mozda, ali s druge strane, iPod ili iPhone se moze koristiti i za mnoge druge stvari, multifunkcionalni su... sta vi kazete?