Kevin Posted January 6, 2014 Posted January 6, 2014 Jucer razgovaram s prijeteljom iz Austrije koji u svog MB 320 CDI redovito stavi na svaki puni tank oko 250-300ml 2 taktnog ulja u tank (Liqui Moly 2 takt Ol). Tvrdi ta motor puno tise i mirnije radi i da se cijeli sistem bolje podmazuje. Malo guglajuci naso zanimljive stvari oko toga. Ima li tko od vas iskustva s tim? I was used to the silky smooth petrol six in my Z4 before swapping it for a BMW 320d. This was a 'sensible' (eco) choice, but to keep a bit of a grin on my face the car is mapped, has a straight through exhaust, and filters. As 4-pot diesels go it's pretty good, but I obviously found it to be rough and lumpy in comparison to the straight 6. How I miss it! Anyway, I've been reading in a few forums about the benefits of adding 2-stroke mineral oil (low ash) to your fuel tank before filling the car with diesel. I couldn't find any negatives or dangers in doing so, only positive feedback and some pretty convincing evidence. It's important that the oil is Jaso FB spec compliant, low ash, and not fully synthetic - because this does not burn well. This 2-stroke/diesel blend apparently brings the following benefits. 1. 2-stoke burns better and more cleanly than diesel. This means more complete combustion of your diesel fuel. 2. Helps to initially clean out the engine internals, and keeps them clean. 3. Restores missing lubricants (and more) from low sulphur diesel. 4. The engine runs much more smoothly and is much quieter. 5. Significant reduction in smoke from exhaust (due to better combustion). Applicable for cars with no DPF 6. Keeps the DPF cleaner. 7. Increases the life of the engine, including injectors, fuel pump, etc. So, I thought I'd give this a go! Last night, I put 300ml of 2-stroke oil, into my car, before filling up with Shell Fuelsaver Diesel. I then set of on a 125 mile journey home, not expecting much... However, after a short while I found that the engine was quieter and running much more smoothly! Much less clatter on the outside and definitely quieter in the cabin. The car seemed to be a little more responsive and pulled better in higher gears, especially at low rpms. I found that I didn't have to change down nearly as much when cruising at low speeds and whilst accelerating. My car used to let out a little black smoke when I put my foot down, slightly embarrassing! However, now there seems to be none at all! At worst there is a little haze, but nothing more than that. Based on what I've found so far, I'd definitely recommend giving this a go. I was really sceptical about noticeable results, but it seems to be working a treat! It's still early days yet, but I'll report back after a couple more tanks with this stuff and update my findings. You may want to Google compatibility with your specific car. I take no responsibility in people trying this trick for themselves. I'd be interested to know if anyone else tried this?? With good or bad results? PS. No derv-head jokes please! I am not one... I'd go back to a petrol 6 anyday!
Kevin Posted January 6, 2014 Author Posted January 6, 2014 Evo jos nesto zanimljivo
Tomica93 Posted January 6, 2014 Posted January 6, 2014 Ja sam to stavljao u svoje dizele, al to je jako stara tehnologija pa sam znao da nista ne moze bit Ugl ja sam isao ovom logikom. Sto motorkama, kosilicima itd stvara kompresiju- odgovor je mjesavina-odnosno ulje u gorivu Na starim dizelima mi je stvarno auto tise radio i manje dimio, na starim benzincima(mislim na frgice) isto ok, dok kad sam stavio na jednog s injektorima taj auto vise nije isao kako treba. Razlog tome je sta je gorivo tada ajmo rec "prljavo" i polako se zaprljaju filterici u diznama Tako da na tvom dizelu ja osobno ne bi nikada stavljao, a ti sad mozes eksperimentirati
Ozy Posted January 6, 2014 Posted January 6, 2014 300ml iliti 3dcl na 60litara nemre zasrat više nego li je sad zasrano!
Gabre Posted January 6, 2014 Posted January 6, 2014 meni je SMA to savjetovao kad sam uzeo Leona, kaze da je kod motora sa Bosch pumpom to pozeljno zbog boljeg podmazivanja same pumpe, a za ove moderne motore je to nepotrebno.
biciklist Posted January 6, 2014 Posted January 6, 2014 meni su to rekli da tocim u golf3 zato kaj sam se na loz ulje vozio, navodno loz ulje nije tako masno kao dizel. nisam nista osjetio
Luky Posted January 6, 2014 Posted January 6, 2014 Kevine trebao bi to u Miceka ulit, da ne zahrđaju lajtunzi od goriva kad se ne voziš..
Kevin Posted January 6, 2014 Author Posted January 6, 2014 meni je SMA to savjetovao kad sam uzeo Leona, kaze da je kod motora sa Bosch pumpom to pozeljno zbog boljeg podmazivanja same pumpe, a za ove moderne motore je to nepotrebno. Vidim da po njmackim forumima (TDI i ekipa) to znaju redovito stavljati pa cak i ovi s DPF i da nema losih posljedica. Vele zato sto to ulje bolje sagorijeva u cilindrima zajedno s čađom. Kupuju pretezito "Ashless" ulja koja izgaraju te neostavljaju tragove. pa sad.. hmm. cisto malo za razmislit. Kevine trebao bi to u Miceka ulit, da ne zahrđaju lajtunzi od goriva kad se ne voziš.. jako mi zao sto vise nepratis novosti
bojan25 Posted January 6, 2014 Posted January 6, 2014 niskopepelno neobojano može ić,ova u boji mogu reagirat na test za ložaka pa su problemi
Kevin Posted January 7, 2014 Author Posted January 7, 2014 Liqui Moly 2 takt je primjer "Ashless" ulja (bez pepela) i polu sintetsko je. Ima li tog u tokicu?
bojan25 Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Dobro i primjer jednog takvog ulja je? tifonov dvotaktol
dejanR Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Kaj se sve ljudi nebudu sjetili... Bolje onda onu tableticu u rezervoar. Nije vam dosta skupa nafta pa treba još dodatni trošak?
killercivic Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 a zašto bi to stavljo kad mi i ovak napravi 350tisuća bez kvara?
Gabre Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 tako mi je bas od prijatelja stari vozio passata tdi 110ks sa bosch pumpom na lozu, napravio valjda 300 000km, i veli, jebe mi se za bosch pumpu, repapriram ju za 2000kn i peglaj dalje
drahic Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 jako mi zao sto vise nepratis novosti A gdje si ista rekao? Nisam vidio uopce?
fiatuno Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 uzmes ful sintetiku onu s ekstraktom mirisa od jagoda pa uljepsas dan onom ko se vozi iza tebe
BaGy Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 a zašto bi to stavljo kad mi i ovak napravi 350tisuća bez kvara? tocno to
Mexx Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 korisno samo kod prastarih dizel sistema koji su proizvedeni u vrijeme kada eurodizel nije bio ni u planu.
Kevin Posted February 5, 2014 Author Posted February 5, 2014 Evo jos malo stofa pa kome se da citat, nek izvoli
Ozy Posted February 12, 2014 Posted February 12, 2014 ono što je navedeno na tom forumu prema testu octavia tdi sa specifikacijama koje ima ovo ulje 40-ak kn kod nas uzeo danas i staviti ću omjer 1:250 odn na 60l je to 250ml iliti 2.5dl prvenstveno jer auto ima Piezzo injektore
Kevin Posted June 5, 2014 Author Posted June 5, 2014 I have now added a pic to my findings earlier. The Garages aid they have never seen a 5 year old diesel engine without any tarnish or combustion deposits inside an engine before ! Please appreciate the garage just took a photo out of their own interest as it was so clean, they didn't know,neither had they ever heard of running a diesel with TSO in the fuel tank but after what they have seen no doubt they will try it. I am hoping they have a photo of the sump pan as well but he said it didnt need a wash or wipe out, the fitter discribed it as spotless. And this is a typical example, of what those engines run on 2sO look like from the top end: This specific piston is from a 2.7 PSA TDV6 (Disco3). Picture taken at Landyworx in Johannesburg. And VVT mechanism of TDV6 at 153000km, no carbon buildup and vanes operating totally free. Check the squeeky clean surfaces swept by the VVT mechanism arms! napomena za one koji neznaju: 2SO je 2 Stroke Oil (dvotaktno ulje).
Jambo Posted June 5, 2014 Posted June 5, 2014 (edited) Ja sam probao 2SO stavljati u svoj 2.0 TDI (BKD) u Leonu u omjeru 1:250....nisam primjetio nikakva poboljsanja...potrosnja mozda i malo visa...zvuk isti....samo vise dima kod paljenja i gasa u pod.... Probao sam najbolju specifikaciju ulja JASO FC u Shellu ... sad sam uzeo JASO FD u nekom Petrolovom brendiranom ulju...probam jos koji tank s time... Koje ti ulje stavljas? Edited June 5, 2014 by Jambo
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