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After the first round of Adria Drift Series's adrenaline rush in Hungary, the RD2 – THROWDOWN is coming back to familiar ground to Raceland track in Krško, Slovenia.

On 4. June we will enjoy the race on a bit slower, but technical track consisting of a fast turn 1 and a very long almost 360° provisional turn 3 in to a very tight provisional turn 4.
We expect to see drifters form Austria, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Hungary and Italy. As many of the participants already drove on the Raceland, we will again see a lot of tight and very equal drifts where even some rookies might surprise.

The event will also feature a Show’n’Shine car show, a stunt show and a lounge party booth with a view on the track!
Futhermore, we can not forget smaller version of drift - the RC Drift. Drift masters of radio-controlled cars in scale 1:10 will compete on an equivalent as described above but scaled route and their skills will certainly be admired by the audience.

Visitors in need of adrenaline rush will have the opportunity to ride with one of the greatest masters of drifting in this part of Europe –Luka Marko Grošelj. Definetely worth considering, as in the past events every single passenger came out from the taxi with a great smile on his face!
Seet you at the race track, see you on Raceland!


Web: http://adriadriftseries.com/hr/

Opširnije: http://www.adriadriftseries.com/news/RD2_SHOWDOWN-4._JUNE_Krsko_SLO/ i http://www.adriadriftseries.com/RD2_2017/2017_RD2-SHOWDOWN_Raceland-krsko/

Kalendar & RSVP: https://forum.crotuned.com/calendar/event/6-adria-drift-series-rd2-showdown-krško/




Lokacija: https://goo.gl/maps/RhJyHAPYNo72 i http://karting.raceland.si/





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