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Pročitao na Renault forumu da je bolje na prednji kraj staviti šire distance.


Sad me to buni,neznam da li da naručim:

1. 2x20mm(za prednji kraj) i 2x16mm(zadnji)

2. Isto to samo obrnuto(20mm zadnji,16mm prednji)

3. 4x16mm


Ajd predložite nešto...:D


Ovisi sta zelis postici .. naravno i ovisi kako ti se po defaultu ponasa auto :)


Koliko sam ja upoznat (iliti nisam provjerio u praksi... jos :D) ako auto ide u default modu preko nosa, iliti zelis poboljstati drzanje prednjeg kraja, na prednje kotace stavis sire distance, straga manje. :)


Ali bez pretjerivanja u pogledu sirine distanci, ili sve teorije padaju u vodu :D


Iliti bilo bi ok tebi sprijeda 20mm, straga 16mm ;)


...dečki su ti rekli na forumu, masu prednjepogonaša bježi preko nosa...ako želiš to isto onda si smiri zadnji kraj distancama i auto će ti puziti naprijed - nosom. Ne znam, meni je draže kad je nos ko na kračnicama a guza pomaže proći zavoj kako spada. Kako hoćeš...

Uzet ću 2x16mm i 2x20mm pa probat kak je bolje,nema druge.:thumbsup:


Da, probaj na prednje...pa na zadnje...mada se radi o nijansama...ali nekad ti taman toliko i treba.

Htio bih da zadnji kraj bude stabilniji,s prednjim nema problema.

Znači 16mm prednji,20mm zadnji?



Yap.. ako ti dupe bjezi posvuda onda tako :)


Iako nikad u zivotu nisam vidio FWD kojem dupe zivahnije vise nego sto je potrebno :D


evo vam copy paste o istoj temi tamo iz 2006 na starom webu sta smo pisali,

krtica pamti sve ili skoro sve ;P


Bringing out the rear wheels to the same as the front with a 25mm spacer will induce oversteer.

The characteristics I experienced was that the car turned in sharper, and coming out of the turn the rear would throtle out and keep the car from going into oversteer.


I thought the front wheels looked to far tucked in so I bought an 8mm spacer. Installed it on the front. (Needed to be more like .5" for looks)

SO I took the car for a test drive. The wider track in the front made the car grip alot better. It took a bit more push to make the front plow. BUT, it was not oversteer. The rear never came around. It just made the car go where you pointed it. It was less pleasing to drive, even though it handled faster. It seemed to jsut drag teh rear around.


So I took it home, and put the 8mm spacers on the rear with the 25mm spacers, thinking that it would increase oversteer. It did not. It actually increased understeer. And I lost the limits that were obtained with the spacer in the front.


So it would seem to me, that the wheels need to be close to equal in track width. Then the car releys on the suspension setup to determine the over/understeer.


Might explain why the TTE car, and other Scca rally gt4's have the same track width. Also the wider the track the better the grip. That is one reason the wheels shouldgo close to the outside of the fenders. That and it looks good too.


Iako nikad u zivotu nisam vidio FWD kojem dupe zivahnije vise nego sto je potrebno :D


Golf III. Taj po skliskom ide svugdje, samo ne po zeljenoj liniji :)

Golf III. Taj po skliskom ide svugdje, samo ne po zeljenoj liniji :)


Vozio ... i taman je zivahno kak treba biti. :D


Sranje je kod Golfa radi tog govna za ovjes od krute stange straga i preteskog nosa sto je potpuno van kontrole to zivahno dupe :happy:

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