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ma ne smeta mi portal nego tvoj nekvalitetan nacin promocije -cak sam ti i rekao da ako mogu da cu podrzati site ako zelis - no ne na ovaj nacin


otvorio sam ti thread samo za tebe i koristi ga


a ove americke fore - dogodilo se to i to, ali ja vam necu kopipejstati tu, evo vam radije link na neki treci site - to na myhrawebu NECES raditi



zato sto je ctrl+c i crtl+v prejednostavna radnja da bi se ignorirala pogotovo zato sto se radi o tematski vezanoj stvari


Zasto ti mislis da je sve neka faking urota i da ja zelim na ovom forumu dobiti dobit (za koju ni ne kuzim sta bi mogla biti)? Gore je 7 videa, od kojih ja moram svaki video posebno editirat, kopirat code, stavit ovdje. I ne, nije mi bilo lakse to napravit od bacit linka na clanak koji se toga tice. A ti sad da si posten, nebi otvorio onakav topic, nego bi stavio naslov recimo "My Car Portal - Novosti" i nebi napravio prvi post onakav. No dobro, ako se vec sadrzaj mora na taj nacin kopirati gore, onda ureduj tako svima, ne samo meni. Rekao sam ti gore, nema frke, ali onda nemoj da se stavljaju linkovi na pizzerije, parfumerije, apartmane i slicne stvari, jer pravila su pravila, zar ne?


stavit cu ti naslov kakav god hoces...zar je to ikada bio problem?


samo trebas se malo sagnuti iza laznog ponosa i jala i reci "stavi mi naslov takav i stavi mi ovo u post i uredi mi topic ovako i ovako"


i to mozes dobiti iste sekunde


ponuda i dalje vrijedi - ok?


edit: i ovo nije krsenje pravila - nego zdravog razuma

Gore je 7 videa, od kojih ja moram svaki video posebno editirat, kopirat code, stavit ovdje.


Ja sam ti gore napisao... Staviš jednu sliku, txt (što kraći) i link... i onda ljudi idu tamo ako im se ide (ako ih zanima taj članak), ako ne idu dalje... A ne ovo tri kilometra teksta i link... Mislim da TT na to cilja, a ne da se urotio protiv tebe...:thumbsup:


Rekao sam ti gore, nema frke, ali onda nemoj da se stavljaju linkovi na pizzerije, parfumerije, apartmane i slicne stvari, jer pravila su pravila, zar ne?


Miješaš kruške i jabuke... Ovo je auto forum i sve što se tiče automobila mora biti tip top, a ova offtopic sranja nije bitno dali je samo link... ili samo jedna rečenica...

stavit cu ti naslov kakav god hoces...zar je to ikada bio problem?


samo trebas se malo sagnuti iza laznog ponosa i jala i reci "stavi mi naslov takav i stavi mi ovo u post i uredi mi topic ovako i ovako"


i to mozes dobiti iste sekunde


ponuda i dalje vrijedi - ok?


Onda to napravi, i ne zajebavaj me za gluposti zbog tebi neznanog razloga. Fakat ne vidim nikakav problem, kad mi uleti nesto stvarno zanimljivo, onda to postam. Ne radi se o svakoj vijesti, svakom clanku ili svakom photo shootu koji je na siteu. Idi tamo na topic, rijesi naslov, makni one pizdarije i sve pet istog trena bude onda.


edit: i ovo nije krsenje pravila - nego zdravog razuma


Jel ti ovo fakat potrebno? Budi bez brige, kuzim kad netko hoce namjerno podjebavat i zajebavat, a vidim da to tebi dobro ide.

Onda to napravi, i ne zajebavaj me za gluposti zbog tebi neznanog razloga. Fakat ne vidim nikakav problem, kad mi uleti nesto stvarno zanimljivo, onda to postam. Ne radi se o svakoj vijesti, svakom clanku ili svakom photo shootu koji je na siteu. Idi tamo na topic, rijesi naslov, makni one pizdarije i sve pet istog trena bude onda.




Jel ti ovo fakat potrebno? Budi bez brige, kuzim kad netko hoce namjerno podjebavat i zajebavat, a vidim da to tebi dobro ide.



šta da ti napravim?


odi u topic i napisi sve izmjene koje hoces i prestani se duriti

kakve ja koristi imam ako te podjebavam? uvijek smo si bili dobri i sad hoces ratovati posto poto samnom...a dobro znas da meni nije do ratovanja pogotovo s tobom


Vanja sada mi iskreno reci što je bolje/preglednije, iz čega dobiješ više željenih informacija....






Izvrstan film; životan :D

Kraj sam očekivao, ali iako predvidljiv, radnja je strukturalno slojevita i to mi se vrlo sviđa







Marley & Me




Prefantastičan film.... :)

Svi ljubitelji pasa obavezno pogledati :))))





Ja sam popizdio kada sam morao otvoriti link od Stepa... NHF Step :lol:



oko čega ste se našli natezati


mogao je netko u zadnje dvije stranice napisati da renault i meclaren već imaju double deckere spremne za kinu, farrari je ovaj vikend bez kersa. navodno je tako dobro izbalansiran da mu ne treba "heavy KERS device installed", massa ne očekuje nešto posebno ovaj vikend, mclaren je opet u nekakvim natezanjima sa FIA-om itd, itd...





difuzori su morali postati tako genijalno tehničko rješenje kad su zabranili sva moguća krilca po bolidu. čak i auspuhe koji malo vire...

do početka ove sezone difuzori su praktički bili potpuno nepoznat pojam večini populacije.


Nesto sam nacuo od par autora (na nekim blogovima) da je FIA razmatrala mijenjanje vozaca po teamovima. Dakle svaku utrku bi vozac vozio neki drugi bolid, te bi tako dobili na atrktivnosti i tome da svi imaju iste uvjete. No koliko sam skuzio, takva ideja je odbacena, valjda je nekome doslo u mozak da to nema smisla :P.

Nesto sam nacuo od par autora (na nekim blogovima) da je FIA razmatrala mijenjanje vozaca po teamovima. Dakle svaku utrku bi vozac vozio neki drugi bolid, te bi tako dobili na atrktivnosti i tome da svi imaju iste uvjete. No koliko sam skuzio, takva ideja je odbacena, valjda je nekome doslo u mozak da to nema smisla :P.


kakvim glupostim se bave...jel itko od njih sjeo u f1 i jel svjestan koliko podesavanja se mora na bolidu napraviti da pase vozacu,,,


uzas....sva sreca da je odbaceno


In a recent column for Autosport Tony Dodgins argued that F1 drivers should swap between teams at every race. Max Mosley has suggested a similar scheme many times before. Dodgins is so convinced this radical idea has potential he declared:


"Sorry, but I can’t really see the downside. Never have done. If anyone wants to tell me properly, I’d be all ears. If it’s time to fix F1, let’s fix it properly."


So, as requested, here’s why driver rotation is a bad idea…


As radical as it may sound driver rotation has been considered seriously by the FIA. Here’s how Mosley explained it could work when he wrote about it in 2006:


"If it were up to me as an enthusiast, I too would introduce a system you might think impractical or even fairly mad, but don’t worry, I’ve been suggesting it without success for 20 years and it would probably not get through the FIA democratic procedures.


Let’s assume that there are 12 teams and 18 races. Each driver would drive each car once so that after the first 12 races all 24 drivers would have driven the cars of each team owner.


At this point, the leading driver would nominate the six different teams for whom he would drive in the last six races. The driver laying second in the championship would then make his choice, and so on. The order in which each driver drives for each team would be decided by lot."


Turning that idea over in my head, the first thought that came to mind was the conclusion reached by the F1 teams after surveying F1 fans and casual viewers at the start of the season:


F1 isn’t broken, so beware ‘over-fixing’ it


Driver rotation has ‘over-fixing’ written all over it.

The good: equal competition


The reasons given for it are that it would give each driver a (roughly) equal shot of winning the championship, as everyone would get to drive the best and worst cars on the grid on different weekends.


That has an obvious appeal: it’s clear Jenson Button and Rubens Barrichello’s talents have been wasted in poor cars in recent years but are finally getting the equipment they deserve in 2009. Lewis Hamilton, meanwhile, can kiss his world championship goodbye because the MP4/24 is plainly not up to the job of defending it.

The bad: complicated and unnecessary


But despite that attraction driver rotation would do more harm than good.


Moving the drivers between different-liveried cars each weekend would create a lot of unnecessary confusion, particularly among the casual fans the sport is desperate to court.


Dodgins reckons the huge complications it would cause for sponsors and merchandising would be surmountable - I’m not convinced, and in the present economic climate anything that might scare sponsors away should be avoided like the plague.


The relationship between driver and team is a vital part of F1 history: Clark and Lotus, Villeneuve and Ferrari, or Senna and McLaren. It would be a needless waste for F1 to toss aside another link with its history, as it did when it scrapped proper qualifying at the end of 2002.


But perhaps the most convincing argument against driver rotation is that it’s unnecessary.


As the technical rules become ever more restrictive, the designers’ freedom diminishes and F1 cars become gradually closer in performance. Like it or not, the imperative to cut costs will lead towards more customer parts (engines, gearboxes, KERS and more) and less room for innovation.


As the cars become more closely matched, driver rotation becomes an irrelevant concept.

The ugly: F1’s crisis of confidence


I hope Mosley doesn’t give driver rotation any further serious consideration. The mania for rules changes that has gripped the sport in recent years signals a crisis of confidence in the running of the sport that many fans find worrying.


It’s early days, but so far the technical changes introduced this year seem to have had a genuinely positive affect on the racing. Can we please now have stability in the regulations and forget this obsession with pointless gimmicks?


Ma svasta se njima mota po glavi, nekuzim sto su odjednom takvi problemi svima, pa tko ima para, ulagat ce u razvoj, nema drugog objasnjenja. Sad smanjivat proracune i zabranjivat testiranja i ulaganja mi nekako nije u duhu ovog sporta uopce.

Nesto sam nacuo od par autora (na nekim blogovima) da je FIA razmatrala mijenjanje vozaca po teamovima. Dakle svaku utrku bi vozac vozio neki drugi bolid, te bi tako dobili na atrktivnosti i tome da svi imaju iste uvjete. No koliko sam skuzio, takva ideja je odbacena, valjda je nekome doslo u mozak da to nema smisla :P.


Prije će momčadi osnovati novu grupaciju nego trpjeti ova s*anja... da čovjek ne povjeruje kakvih sve debila na ovome svijetu ima...:doh:


Ferrari odlučio ovu utrku voziti bez KERS-a, ali ni to ne pomaže da budu brži...



Ferrari: Removing KERS has not helped


Ferrari has admitted that removing its KERS for the Chinese Grand Prix has not proved beneficial so far.


After several reliability problems in the previous races, Ferrari decided to abandon the new system for Shanghai. But after struggling in practice today, Felipe Massa said getting rid of KERS was actually a backwards step.


"Here we are also running without KERS and as a result, we are losing even more performance, in addition to not having as much aerodynamic downforce as the best cars," he said.


"Our fight for the championship is ever more compromised.


"We must try and push as hard as possible on the development of the car, but we know it will be very hard to catch up. The only recipe for getting out of this difficulty is to work."


Team boss Stefano Domenicali reckoned that because the car had been designed with KERS in mind, removing the troublesome system had turned out to be counter-productive.


"Clearly, without KERS, we lose a bit of performance and initial indications are that we are not seeing any improvement in the balance of a car that, let's not forget, was designed to carry this system," he said.


"We are in a difficult situation and we must try and stay calm and work hard on all fronts."


But Kimi Raikkonen was less bothered by the loss of the device.


"The balance of the car isn't bad and one doesn't feel the lack of KERS," he said.


"The point is that we are too slow compared to the teams currently at the top of the order. We must try and improve the car. At the moment, we are not able to fight for the title."



Briatore kaže da nema šanse da ulove BrownGP...


Briatore: No chance to catch Brawn GP


Renault boss Flavio Briatore thinks his team's hopes of winning the title this year are all but over now in the wake of the FIA's decision to approve the use of double-decker diffusers.


The Italian thinks that it will take too much time for Brawn GP, Toyota and Williams's rivals to catch up with the diffuser gang and has questioned the credibility of the the world championship because of it.


"The drivers in our teams have been and are world champions, while the championship is now fought between a driver who was almost retired and another one who is a good guy but a paracarro (Italian saying for being as slow as a milepost at the side of a road)," Briatore told Gazzetta dello Sport.


"I don't know where credibility has ended up with all this. To make up the gap we have to those teams is impossible."


While rival teams now set about working on their own double-decker diffusers, Briatore is convinced that the three teams who already have the concepts well honed will pull out enough of a title advantage in the next few races to secure the crown.


"In three or four grands prix, the title will be already decided, and I can't see what interest TV and spectators can have in seeing a race when Button has 60 points, [Kazuki] Nakajima 50, and someone else 80: it's better to listen to a race like that on the radio, and watch anything but that.


"Just when there's talk of setting a budget cap to 30 million, we've spent 15m for KERS and 10m more for the diffusers. We're left with five to travel and to pay the employees."



McLaren nastupa sa novim difuzorom...


McLaren fits interim diffuser for China




McLaren has become the first team to take advantage of the final green-light for double-decker diffusers in Formula 1 by fitting an interim version to its car in Shanghai already.


The team has added a small winglet beneath the crash structure and above the dipped centre of the diffuser which is likely to be the first step of a major development push in this area.


The change for China is far from being a full double-decker design, which is expected to appear in subsequent races and is more akin to Toyota's narrow diffuser extension.


By adding this flap, the revised diffuser is now both taller and longer. The flap rises more than 90mm above the 175mm maximum and extends around 40mm behind the permitted 350mm length.


But as the flap sits within the 150mm exclusion area for the rear crash structure, it is perfectly legal.


McLaren appeared with a new diffuser in its last test before the season started. It had a lower centre section, which was expected to be in preparation for a double-decker design, once the protests had been cleared up.


In its current guise the diffuser is a small improvement over the version run in the last two races, but scope still exists for a full double-decker conversion soon.


This fuller conversion may require changes to other parts such as the rear crash structure and rear suspension, as well as the aerodynamic parts upstream of the diffuser such as the front wing and bargeboards.


Other teams have been developing these diffusers in expectation of the FIA court of appeal ruling with Renault possibly introducing its version of a double-decker diffuser this weekend.


Most teams are expected to fit the design by the Spanish Grand Prix, although Red Bull Racing may have to wait until as late as either the Monaco or Turkish race before its version is ready.


Guest diablo

Briatore kaže da nema šanse da ulove BrownGP...


kazu ljudi da se previse druzi s alonzom.. samo kuka :rofl::rofl::rofl:

  • 2 weeks later...

McLaren uvjetno kažnjen!



FIA je danas objavila da je Vodafone McLaren Mercedes uvjetno kažnjen zabranom nastupa na tri utrke zbog laganja sucima na australskom i malezijskom GP vikendu, a uvjet je da kroz narednih 12 mjeseci ne prekrše članak 151c Međunarodnog sportskog kodeksa te da se ne pojave novi dokazi iz afere "liargate".


U službenom priopćenju kojeg je izdala Federacija stoji:


"S obzirom na otvorenost i iskrenost kojom je McLarenov šef momčadi Martin Whitmarsh pristupio Svjetskom motorsportskom savjetu i promjeni kulture koja se dogodila u njegovoj organizaciji, WMSC je odlučio aplicirati prikladnu suspenziju."


Naglasimo da se "promjena kulture unutar organizacije" odnosi na odlazak Rona Dennisa.


"Kazna je suspenzija momčadi na tri utrke FIA Formula 1 svjetskog prvenstva ukoliko se otkriju novi dokazi vezani za ovaj slučaj ili ukoliko momčad kroz narednih 12 mjeseci ponovno prekrši pravilo 151 Međunarodnog sportskog kodeksa."


Martin Whitmarsh je okupljenim novinarima kratko rekao: "Napravili smo pogrešku, ispričali smo se FIA-i i javnosti. Nadam se da će današnji događaj označiti i kraj ove afere."

evo pritisak sponzora i "odlazak" Rona Dennisa je učinio svoje:drink:

  • 5 weeks later...
Guest diablo

Ferrari and the other FOTA members, barring Toyota, are all expected to sign up for next year's Championship by the close of play today.


The teams have until today, Friday 29th May, to sign up for the 2010 Formula One season after Max Mosley pushed forward the deadline.


However, in the build-up to D-Day there has been a great deal of political tension between the teams and Mosley as the FIA President put into place plans to introduce a budget cap and two-tier regulations that would favour those agreeing to the cap.


This resulted in some of the teams; Ferrari, Renault, Red Bull, Toro Rosso and Toyota; threatening to quit the sport.


But after weeks of wrangling, the two parties have reportedly agreed to a £85m restriction in 2010 with the cap dropping to £40m the following season. There will also be one set of regulations for all teams while the existing teams have undertaken to help out any new entrants by supplying cheap parts and technical expertise.


"We are not meant to say anything, but you can expect Ferrari and the others to sign up," an insider told the Daily Mail.


Meanwhile, the Telegraph is reporting that Ferrari's 'entry will be conditional on the response of the FIA, the sport's governing body, to a proposal submitted this morning by the Formula One Teams Association. The proposal will demand assurances regarding the stability, governance and rule-making within the sport.'


But while Ferrari are expected to sign up, one team that reportedly won't is Toyota as the Japanese manufacturer is believed to be pulling out of Formula One at the end of the season.


'As for Toyota, they are looking for an elegant exit. Their Formula One project has failed to deliver fruit, despite annual expenditure of around £300m,' claimed the Daily Mail.


'With their fellow Japanese manufacturers Honda having withdrawn last December, they can depart without too much embarrassment at home. Grand prix racing can live without them, if not Ferrari.'


The FIA will announce the names of next season's participants on June 12.


i jedan komentar s njihovog foruma:

"If Toyota confirm they are quitting I'm going to put a bet on that they win their next race!" :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

  • 3 weeks later...

e baš mi je drago da se napokon riješe ta dva debilčeka i onda se napokon vrati ono što F1 jest, a to je napredak i utrkivanje

  • 2 months later...

fisico u ferkanu


Fisichella do kraja sezone u Ferraiju!


TALIJANSKOM vozaču Giancarlu Fisichelli (36) je, vjerojatno, ispunjen veliki dio sportskog sna. Službeno je: do kraja ove godine Fisichella će voziti u bolidu Ferrarija.


Prošlog vikenda je Fisichella na Velikoj Nagradi Belgije ostvario četvrti pole-position u karijeri, a na službenoj utrci je, uz sjajnu vožnju, osvojio drugo mjesto iza Finca Kimija Räikkönena.


Time je Fisichela donio povijesne bodove za svoju momčad Force Indiju, a upravo je njegova dosadašnja momčad objavila u četvrtak vijest kako Fisichella do kraja godine postaje Räikkönenov kolega u talijanskom gigantu, Ferrariju.


Podsjetimo da se na Velikoj Nagradi Mađarske teže ozlijedio Felipe Massa, te odtad Ferrari traži pravu zamjenu (trebao je u bolid ponovno sjesti i Michael Schumacher), jer nisu bili zadovoljni kako svoj posdao obavlja Luca Badoer.


Fisichella je u karijeri ostvario tri pobjede (Brazil 2003., Australija 2005. i Malezija 2006.), a u službenom izvješću Force Indije piše:


"Prihvaćeni su financijski uvjeti koje je ponudio Ferrari i želimo Fisichelli svu sreću u novom timu. Nismo željeli stati između Fisichelle i njegovog sna, jer znamo koliko želi voziti za Ferrari", spomije Force Indija i dodaje:


"Još ne znamo tko će sjesti na njegovo upražnjeno mjesto".


u stranim izvještajima stoji da na Fisichellino mjesto dolazi Liuzzi


"Prihvaćeni su financijski uvjeti koje je ponudio Ferrari i želimo Fisichelli svu sreću u novom timu. Nismo željeli stati između Fisichelle i njegovog sna, jer znamo koliko želi voziti za Ferrari", spomije Force Indija i dodaje...



A i one 4 milje kaj im dugujemo za motore nije za odbacit :)

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