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napokon Kimi i Lotus kako treba :thumbsup:


Rosberg malo danas nabrijan bio, no samo nisam siguran jesu ovi bili pored njega ili iza njega, pa jel ono zavaranje 2 puta protiv pravila...


i za kraj ... 9a163e6a34defc05_MGP.xxlarge.jpg

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da baš me zanima što će na kraju biti s Rosbergom, posebice situacija s Hamiltonom jer koliko se sječam oš iz doba Hill Villneuve da bolid kod prolaska mora biti barem s dva kotača na stazi što Hamilton nije imao, ali opet nije imao jer ga je Rosberg izbacio van, uglavnom bit će i više nego zanimljivo vidjeti kaj će suci odlučiti iako mislim da će biti neko kompromisno riješenje nažalost

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A trebala bi biti kroz koji h 2-3 sata max nakon utrke, barem ona prva a koliko će ju puta mijenjati to nitko ne zna, mada mene više od same doluke zanima objašnjenje zašto i kako to bolja snimka a nažalost mislim da to nećemo dobiti (barem ne detaljno objašnjenje)

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Ferrari's Fernando Alonso accused Mercedes rival Nico Rosberg of dangerous driving and warned of future mayhem after stewards refused to punish the German for two controversial moves in Sunday's Bahrain Grand Prix.


nema kazne :)

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The stewards looked into the matter and decided that because Rosberg had moved to the right to defend his position in a 'constant and continuous straight line manner' and because Hamilton was not alongside Rosberg as he began that move that the German did nothing wrong.


The stewards added: "Had a significant portion of Car 4 (Hamilton) been alongside that of Car 8 (Rosberg) whilst Car 4 still remained within the confines of the track, then the actions of Car 8 may not be considered legitimate."


Evo pojašnjenja...makar, trebalo bi se vidjeti iz drugog kuta, ali mislim da to nije bilo OK od Rosberga...

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