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Ciscenje ventila na DI motorima i seafoam

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Evala drustvo. Zanima me kako cistite ventile na svojim direktasima (ili opcenito)? Posto auto ima 100kkm, a dolazi mi i OCC, i EGR delete kit, pa bi volio to od puta rjesit. nasao sam par nacina kako to napravit:






Dalje, kad ovo odradio, nasao sam da dosta njih koristi Seafoam za odrzavanje ventila cistim. Svakako bi stavio i methanol injection, ali eto, cisto da vidim da li je i ova metoda pouzdana:



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Ovo se cini veklikim problemom, svi direktasi muku muce s ovim, odbijam vjerovati da kod nas nitko nije imao s tim iskustva :D


The dark side of direct fuel injection technology: http://www.edmunds.com/autoobserver-archive/2011/06/direct-injection-fouls-some-early-adopters.html


Here is some info from Porsche owners having the same problem: http://www.planet-9.com/987-cayman-boxster-service-tech/42220-carbon-buildup-dfi-engines.html


Audi engine's too. Great info here: http://www.audizine.com/forum/showthread.php/336352-Audi-FSI-Engine-Carbon-Build-up-Megathread


GM 3.6L V6 engines having carbon build-up: http://www.camaro5.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3434001




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