Duma Posted February 11, 2009 Posted February 11, 2009 http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid1529569285?bctid=10497901001
zizz Posted February 11, 2009 Posted February 11, 2009 pogledao vec... do yaya.. bas bez rijeci... ono jebeno jebeno
Lepi Posted February 11, 2009 Posted February 11, 2009 nakon ovakvog uvoda u novu sezonu isplati se cekati :thumbsup:
bagat Posted February 11, 2009 Posted February 11, 2009 Odlični potezi od strane FIA-e,nadam se da ce ove promjene rezultirat na vecu zanimljivost, i utjecaj vozača kao glavnog faktora
rio_cyber Posted February 11, 2009 Posted February 11, 2009 i onda vele da champcars trke ne valjaju a bas su cool sa overboostom ;P, mozda bu ovo nesto slicno sad bilo a samim time i zanimljivo
Pharaon Posted February 11, 2009 Posted February 11, 2009 samo neka bodove vrate na stari rezim da i s time digne zanimljivost
Speedy-RI Posted February 11, 2009 Posted February 11, 2009 Mislim da ce ova sezona biti puno zanimljivija od proslih, i da ce sada vise momcadi konkurirati
obie Posted February 12, 2009 Posted February 12, 2009 no shit!!! ovo ce bit jedna od jacih sezona... boost ko u igrici.... :D
jabolchica Posted February 12, 2009 Posted February 12, 2009 Wow, brijem da će ova sezona biti exclusive. Mrak! Btw. kad počinje točno?
Gogach Posted February 12, 2009 Posted February 12, 2009 6.5s boosta po krugu. Zasto po krugu i na koju foru po krugu? To pravila dopustaju jedno bustanje po krugu ili ogranicenja sustava za punjenje baterije?
Gogach Posted February 12, 2009 Posted February 12, 2009 However, one part of the 2009 regulations that was not simulated at Barcelona was the planned KERS (kinetic energy recovery system) devices that will be fitted to the cars next year but which are not yet ready. These recover and store energy from braking which can then be released to give a power boost. They will store up to 400 kilojoules of energy, which will allow a boost of an extra 80 horsepower for 6s per lap. As well as making more efficient use of energy, the idea is that this technology will also aid overtaking by giving the driver a ‘push to pass’ button. With the input/output limits of the devices set by the governing body, the KERS would add the equivalent of an extra 23bhp to the wheels without the energy store of the devices being depleted – there would be as much energy going in as coming out. Only when the driver presses the boost button will there be the 80bhp boost, but this will use up more energy than has gone in from the braking and so the energy store will be depleted. It will then take around one lap to boost itself back to equilibrium.
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