mr_G Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 Evo što kaže opelov manual: TANK VENTILATION If the fuel in the tank becomes warmer due to outside influence or in passing through the fuel supply system (fuel pump, fuel line, distributor pipe), then vapours form which cannot be released into the atmosphere in a vehicle with catalytic converter. The vapours which form in the tank are released into the atmosphere via the active carbon filter when the engine is not running The petrol vapours are retained by the active carbon and temporarily stored until the next time the engine is operated. In the partial and full load ranges the tank ventilation valve is opened by the control unit. Due to the vacuum in the intake manifold, fresh air induction takes place via the active carbon filter when the engine is running. The temporarily stored fuel vapours are thus expelled. In order to prevent this flushing of the active carbon canister from interfering with the engine running, the tank ventilation valve is only triggered during active oxygen regulation, when the engine temperature is greater than 49.8 °C and when the idling switch is open. Zašto pitam? Zato što isto treba spojiti na VEMS.. :lol: Source:
rio_cyber Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 a da ljepo to sve povadis van kao sta tarboyotota ekipa radi to vec godinama i porestanes se zivcirati , skupa odma sa egr smecem.......
fire Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 koristis misc output, stavis negde pri 2500-3000rpm 50-60kpa da aktivira taj ventil s cca 30% DC na oko 30hz i gotovo.
KIMI_1.8T Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 Evo što kaže opelov manual:TANK VENTILATION If the fuel in the tank becomes warmer due to outside influence or in passing through the fuel supply system (fuel pump, fuel line, distributor pipe), then vapours form which cannot be released into the atmosphere in a vehicle with catalytic converter. The vapours which form in the tank are released into the atmosphere via the active carbon filter when the engine is not running The petrol vapours are retained by the active carbon and temporarily stored until the next time the engine is operated. In the partial and full load ranges the tank ventilation valve is opened by the control unit. Due to the vacuum in the intake manifold, fresh air induction takes place via the active carbon filter when the engine is running. The temporarily stored fuel vapours are thus expelled. In order to prevent this flushing of the active carbon canister from interfering with the engine running, the tank ventilation valve is only triggered during active oxygen regulation, when the engine temperature is greater than 49.8 °C and when the idling switch is open. Zašto pitam? Zato što isto treba spojiti na VEMS.. :lol: Source: A koji tu problem imas? Vrlo jednostavmo za spojiti. Uzmes spremnik sa aktivnim ugljenom (bilo kji auto - ako nemas dodji kod mene ja cu ti ga pokloniti zajedno sa elektroventilom), spojis odusak iz rezervoara na njega , crijevo iz njega na elektroventil s kojim upravlja racunalo motora, i sa elektroventila crijevo na usisnu granu. Drugo je pitanje kako se rijesava da sistem radi kad je najoptimalniji broj okretaja da to motor "pojede". Po meni to ne trebas jer to je napravljenp zbog ekologije - ispustanja benzinskih para iz rezervoara u motor, umjesto u atmosferu.Taj "odusak" nema veze sa radom motora, bez obzira na koju elektroniku (stand alone ili serijsku).
fire Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 Ima velki utjecaj ako ga nisi 1god imao spojenog . Onda prvih par minuta jako obogati smijesu i dalje sve ok.
ZOD Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 rio: c20let nema egr G poslušaj mikia i ria. To ti stvarno netreba, ekologija...
mr_G Posted October 5, 2009 Author Posted October 5, 2009 Ma nije ekologija nego radi sigurnosti. Te pare su jako zapaljive... Ima ja sve spojeno, samo treba spojiti da VEMS odradi otvaranje... Znači 30% na 30HZ napraviti sa 555? Jer pretpostavljam to VEMS neće raditi...
fire Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 Ma nije ekologija nego radi sigurnosti. Te pare su jako zapaljive... Ima ja sve spojeno, samo treba spojiti da VEMS odradi otvaranje... Znači 30% na 30HZ napraviti sa 555? Jer pretpostavljam to VEMS neće raditi... da s ne555 napravis, imam negde tocnu shemu di su tocni podatci frekvencije i dc-a, dok dodem u ck potrazim. Moze ti to vems raditi, ali po mome je glupo koristiti pwm portove za to. Ja vozio cca 1godinu bez da sam to spojio i nisam nista negativnog primjetio.
meshin Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 Ma nije ekologija nego radi sigurnosti. Te pare su jako zapaljive... A zato su stari auti bili jako nesigurni.. radi para
mr_G Posted October 5, 2009 Author Posted October 5, 2009 Ma jebeš ekologiju, ja vozim na plin... :lol: Ali ako je sigurnost u pitanju... :lol:
Marko Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 te pizdarije su radili zbog ludih amera, odnosno kalifornije , di se nesmije ventilirat pare benzina u atmosferu . kupi si čep tanka rezervara koji moze disat i miran si .
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