SVEN Posted May 8, 2010 Posted May 8, 2010 My Wheels Before Here are some pictures of the problems that my wheels had before they were sent. From paint failing, bubbling, scratches, colour differences, curb rashing, they have it all! I do have to say that packaging these wheels with normal boxes was a challenge and actually quite good fun to put it together. The Process After being carried by DHL on a 3 day trip from NL to the UK, they arrived at the Rimfurbish shop to start on the refurbish and repaint. 1. Chemical Stripping The existing finish is stripped from the surface leaving a bare un-treated raw wheel. 2. Sandblast It is important to insure that the existing finish is removed from the substrate surface and any corrosion that may have occurred during the life of the wheel.To do this you can either shot blast or sand blast the wheel depending on the levels of corrosion found once the wheel is stripped. This process has the added advantage of providing the perfect surface on which to apply or pre-treatment, primers and paints. 3. Engraving and Preparation Here the wheels are corrected from their curb rash. All the wheels that received at Rimfurbish are engraved with a modification number, paint finish & sales order number (mine even came back with my name on them! Ah!). In doing this we have full traceability & visibility on all wheels and orders going through the system as we can be dealing with multiple sets of the same size/design of wheel from a number of different customers. No wheels run risk of being mixed up. 4. Pre-Treatment All wheels are put through an 11 stage pre-treatment process. This is designed to clean and then convert the surface of the wheel from aluminum, which by nature will corrode and oxidize, to a corrosion resistance substrate. Tanks are used rather than spray systems as this technique guarantees the levels of pre-treatment are consistent and effective. 5. Powder Coat Primer The powder primers that used are the ones currently developed for wheel manufacturers supplying OE car manufacturers throughout Europe. They are applied using the latest automated equipment employing tribo application technology. The benefit of this being that it enables powder primer to penetrate all the surface area of the wheel no matter how complex the wheel design. As the equipment is automated we are able to control the levels of the thickness of the coating to within + or – 25 microns. Six guns at different stations are used to apply the powder to the wheels that are mounted horizontally, the wheels are bio-directionally rotated within the powder application area. Once the powder is applied the wheels are transferred by robot to a separate line where they are stoved at 200 degrees centigrade for 20 mins. This will fully cure the coating. 6. Wet Coat Application The wheels are loaded horizontally onto a conveyer which transports the wheels directly into the wet application booth, the wheels are rotated for application within two distinct application zones. Six HVLP guns which are in pre-set positions apply the waterbourne colour coatings. Controlling the colour of this particular finish is best achieved by the wheel being sprayed manually rather than automated process mentioned above. The above process produces a much lighter silver than shadow effect that we have achieved on the particular BMW Type 65 wheel design. To insure that each wheel in a set matches another we control the coating within a tolerance limit using master samples. Once the paint has been applied the wheels continue along the track were they enter a short dry off oven, the wheels run through this zone to evacuate any water used to transfer the wet colour coating to the wheel surface. The wheels are then transferred by robot onto the clear finishing line. 7. Acrylic Clearcoat Application The acrylic powder is applied applied via two Corona electrostatic powder charge tubes to the feature face of the wheels. The wheels are rotated under each charge tube, the rotation alternates between stations. The wheels leave the clear coat line and enter the transfer enclosure where they are again transferred by robot to the independent conveyer which transports the wheels through the clear powder curing oven. We use advanced acrylic clear coat application rather than wet lacquers used by other paint operations as this will give the customer a longer lasting finish provided the wheels are looked after and regularly cleaned. Acrylic clear powder coats are fast becoming the recognised leader in the requirements of major OEM customers. The water clear clarity of these coatings, the luster and depth of gloss are visually without parallel. These all add dramatically to the finished product. 8. QC Inspection The wheels exit the curing oven and are transported to the warehouse through a cooling down loop, this is were the wheels are 100% inspected for appearance My Wheels Now The anxiety of receiving these wheels has been immense. That intense feeling of anticipation, as when you are a kid, waiting to destroy the wrapping of that huge present with your name on it, has been lived since my wheels left Rimfurbish... Here is how they arrived and I will give my words at the end. The packaging is 5 stars, absolutely amazing. My OCD personality loves the packaging! New stickers and BMW roundels for the wheels were bought and installed. The Overall Finish is just outstanding! Its so deep! I did found a flaw! My first name is spelled wrong Wheels outside in the garden with overcast weather, cant wait to see them in sunny weather! So awesome! The Paint levels are consistent, with around 230 microns on the rim and upwards of 380 on the face. I will still measure them tomorrow in full, to check them all properly. I started the protection preparation, these are the weapons used: Clayed (didn't pick up anything), Glazed with HD Cleanse and then 3 layers of Poorboys Wheel Sealant will go in each wheel (still working on it). The weather here is still rainy and overcast... so still no pictures outside under the sunlight. However, here are some pictures of a front and back wheel, for colour comparison: I used a playing card, to show off the reflection level from the finish and the amount (or lack) of orange peel: My Conclusions This has been a fantastic quest and a great experience. From all the contacts with all the shops, from all the emails traded with Matt from Rimfurbish, to the discussion with Barney and Kumaran on how the Shadow Chrome should look, this has been a really cool learning experience for me as well. 1. I am absolutely gob smacked with how the wheels look now. The finish is deep, rich and wet. The Reflection is true and the orange peel is under control (although some areas have it a bit, but still not too much distortion). Also, no swirls are present (yay!). Either from close up or from a distance, the wheels look outstanding. The Shadow Chrome looks perfect to my eyes and it was reproduced correctly for all my wheels. Absolutely amazing and I am super happy with it 2. Customer Service was spectacular! A true example of how to professionally communicate with your customers since the first email I'm very happy with the results! I sincerely thank the whole Rimfurbish team for their attention, dedication and patience to achieve this finish and to put up with my questions and changes. Now need to continue on working on my wheels and applying some more layers of Sealant, so I can safeguard this finish for a long time (although they do have a 1 year warranty)!
IgoRR Posted May 8, 2010 Posted May 8, 2010 i obnova košta kao cca 70% cijene nove felge da se razumijemo posao je vrhunski :thumbsup: ali prodaš zraubane felge + lova kaj si mislio dat za reparaciju felgi kupiš nove :thumbsup:
SVEN Posted May 8, 2010 Author Posted May 8, 2010 i obnova košta kao cca 70% cijene nove felge da se razumijemo posao je vrhunski :thumbsup: ali prodaš zraubane felge + lova kaj si mislio dat za reparaciju felgi kupiš nove :thumbsup: Po felgi je cca 800kn plus jos nadoplate ukoliko ide neki gold finiš ovo ono, ili ako je ukljuceno poliranje ili obrada rubova itd. Za sve četiri felge dati oko 500-700€ i da mi na kraju izgledaj uovako + godinu dana jamstva ja bi osobno platio to! A za tu lovu nove felge nemozes kupiti nigdje. Pogledaj ove naše fušere tu sto slazu felge.. za 200€ ti imas kao sređenu felgu. Hahhh koji svinjarluk
Coupe VD Posted May 8, 2010 Posted May 8, 2010 ...iako izgledaju kao nove, možda u nekim detaljima i bolje ja bih ipak s lovom od prodaje starih + cijena reparacije uzeo nove...eto bar zbog eventualnog zamora materijala (aluminij je to ipak) ako zbog ničeg drugog...
Vex Posted May 8, 2010 Posted May 8, 2010 (edited) sven to sam ti htio javit prije mj dana kad sam vidio ali zaboravio, predobro je napravljeno... a ovo kaj ostali pričaju da je bolje kupit nove pa da ako imaš neke replike koje dođu 100eur, a originalne za koje je popravak možda 1/3 cijene nove felge... ovisi što netko hoće, ja bi isto htio dat ovo liku da mi sredi felge u gunmetal boju Edited May 8, 2010 by Vex
Mexx Posted May 8, 2010 Posted May 8, 2010 ovo se isplati napravit sa nekim unikatnim felgama ,ovako i ne bas. al da je pedantan i odlicno odraden posao,daleko od toga,je.
SVEN Posted May 8, 2010 Author Posted May 8, 2010 ...iako izgledaju kao nove, možda u nekim detaljima i bolje ja bih ipak s lovom od prodaje starih + cijena reparacije uzeo nove...eto bar zbog eventualnog zamora materijala (aluminij je to ipak) ako zbog ničeg drugog... Zvat cu u Tomić u ponedjeljak cisto za info svima vama koji uporno tupite da je bolje prodat svoj set za 500-600€ i dat jos toliko za set novih. Ako set novih kosta 1000€ onda sam ja svatno majmun. Cisto za info, originalna BBS felga koju ja imam na autu u VW-u kosta 470€ komad . Ova od M5 mora kostat vise kako god bilo..
francuz Posted May 8, 2010 Posted May 8, 2010 ...da mi je netko pokazao ovaj thread i pitao tko ga je pokrenuo, dao bih 500 E na Svena
SVEN Posted May 8, 2010 Author Posted May 8, 2010 ...da mi je netko pokazao ovaj thread i pitao tko ga je pokrenuo, dao bih 500 E na Svena Evo :pifouz9: za tebe !! btw okrenuo par brojeva telefona. Komad ove felge u Tomiću = 4000kn. Da, definitivno se isplati kupiti četiri nove nakon prodaje rabljenih za cca 600€ i dodavanjem 12 000kn :doh:
Trojan Posted May 8, 2010 Posted May 8, 2010 Ovo je predobro. Majke mi ako ne bi poslao felge u UK. Čak mi se ni ne čini pretjerana cijena za ovakav posao po felgi.
SVEN Posted May 8, 2010 Author Posted May 8, 2010 Ovo je predobro. Majke mi ako ne bi poslao felge u UK. Čak mi se ni ne čini pretjerana cijena za ovakav posao po felgi. Uzevsi u obzir ono sto dobivas za uzvrat a to je posao odrađen na nivou tvornice + jamstvo od godinu dana mislim da je sve dalje suvišno. Sad usporedite ovo s jednim Jelenićem i njegovom reparacijom felgi :rofl: Mamu ti jebem kako ovdje u hr ekipa uzima lovu ljudima to nisu istine...a posao je obavljen kao da je moja baba radila . Na zapadu sto platis i dobijes nesto za uzvrat..
Lonewolf Posted May 8, 2010 Posted May 8, 2010 I usluga je vrhunska...koliko sam skuzio,oni su njemu na zahtjev svaki dio procesa i slikali?
SVEN Posted May 8, 2010 Author Posted May 8, 2010 I usluga je vrhunska...koliko sam skuzio,oni su njemu na zahtjev svaki dio procesa i slikali? Da! Po onome sto sam skuzio vlasnik je bio nesto aka Raptor767676767 . Pisalo je jos u tekstu kako su prije nego se odlucio njima povjeriti felge izmjenili preko 100 email poruka gdje je bilo objasnjavano kako se sto radi, kako ce izlgledati, da li moze 100% oem boja i lak i jos sto stvari. Vidi se koliko je customer support jak! Preko 100 mailova je bilo razmjenjeno i to jos uvijek nije znacilo da ce se stranka odluciti svoje felge predati njima.. To se zove usluga :notworthy: a o poslu da ne govorimo..
Koren Posted May 9, 2010 Posted May 9, 2010 Aluminij ne korodira kao što je rečeno, nego mu površinski sloj čine oksidi zbog čega je aluminij antikorozivan (mislim da Debeli zna više o tome, pošto je završio FSB, smjer Inžinjerstvo materijala) Kod nas se takav posao NIKAD ne bi isplatio, jer u cijeloj HR i na ostatku Balkana nemaš 20 ljudi koji bi dali "poveći" novac da se nešto tako dobro napravi...
Lim@ RS Posted May 9, 2010 Posted May 9, 2010 2 Koren : Koliko ljudi u HR bi platilo čišcenje auta 2000 kn?
SVEN Posted May 9, 2010 Author Posted May 9, 2010 To u šabanskoj hrvatskoj ne prolazi! Vecina ljud hoce sve za malo para a najbolje rezultate. Nasi majstori su nasli neku sredinu kako napraviti ''najbolji'' posao tj posao gdje se netreba puno truditi a naplatiti ga najvise sto se moze. Kod nas se ne igra na kvalitetu ničeg ni nigdje nego se ide na ono '' slozi da vozi '' . Bilo to slaganje i servisiranje auta, reparacija felgi, ciscenje i pranje iznutra i sto god.
golfijaner Posted May 9, 2010 Posted May 9, 2010 Ovo se u svakom slučaju isplati jer originalna bbs gti felga s mk4 (6,5x16) dođe oko 4000,00 kn u servisu, a to je 16.000,00 kn za 4 komada. Ova bmw felga je sigurno skuplja i nema šanse da se prodajom + cijenom reparacije pokriju nove originalne felge. Posao je odrađen odlično. Nisam mogao zamisliti da postoji firma koja tako dobro obrađuje felge u reparaciji.
Gabre Posted May 9, 2010 Posted May 9, 2010 To u šabanskoj hrvatskoj ne prolazi! Vecina ljud hoce sve za malo para a najbolje rezultate. Nasi majstori su nasli neku sredinu kako napraviti ''najbolji'' posao tj posao gdje se netreba puno truditi a naplatiti ga najvise sto se moze. Kod nas se ne igra na kvalitetu ničeg ni nigdje nego se ide na ono '' slozi da vozi '' . Bilo to slaganje i servisiranje auta, reparacija felgi, ciscenje i pranje iznutra i sto god. u hrvatskoj ljudi preživljavaju, i gleda se na svaku kunu... ne možemo se uspoređivati sa europom i njihovim standardom...
jura_vw Posted May 9, 2010 Posted May 9, 2010 isplati se delat ta felga recimo kaj je prikazana... znači koja nova košta pun klinac i teško se nabavit, ili neka druga egzotična felga... ali opet da bi vozio neke OZ felge, mislim da nema smisla...:lol:
Bubi Posted May 9, 2010 Posted May 9, 2010 ma šta se teško nabavi? pa ideš kod tomića i naručiš nove, a ove zgrebane ispoliraš za par sto kuna kod nekog našeg lokalnog i prodaš pod "rabljeno u super stanju". a ne se jebat s kutijama, poštarinama i glupostima... pa nije to felga od formule 1 iz '66 lol!
Trojan Posted May 9, 2010 Posted May 9, 2010 u hrvatskoj ljudi preživljavaju, i gleda se na svaku kunu... ne možemo se uspoređivati sa europom i njihovim standardom... Ali poanta je u tome da u Hrvatskoj prodaju muda pod bubrege, znači priča se o nekom kvalitetnom poslu koji u većini slučajeva platiš masno, a na kraju dobiješ drek omotan sjajnim celofanom. Samo se o tome radi, a uvijek će bit ljudi koji bi dali 100€ ili malo više po felgi za ovako odrađen posao. Ja sam prvi među njima. Ja svoje felge moram restaurirat pod hitno, imaju oštećenja i farbane su nekim sprejem običnim bez laka. Nakon što sam ovo vidio ozbiljno sam počeo razmišljat i o opciji slanja felgi gore. isplati se delat ta felga recimo kaj je prikazana... znači koja nova košta pun klinac i teško se nabavit, ili neka druga egzotična felga... ali opet da bi vozio neke OZ felge, mislim da nema smisla...:lol: Ne možeš uspoređivat BBS i OZ
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