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Everything posted by ante_st
Golf 6 rabbit oprema Ugradio bih rcd s navigacijom i parking senzorima, Mozda cak i s reverse cam. Koji je nabolji model i moze li preporuka (origigi??)
evo moje iskustvo s p&b, inace fer i korektni sta se tice servisa i ostalog (servisirao nekoliko motora u njih), ali ovo je sta se tice prodaje
Imam problem jedan, Auto je suzuki swift 1.3 2010 god Gume su stare oko godinu dana Napumpane na zadane bare Gume su vederstein Na autoputu dok vozim 120kmh sve je ok A cim predjem 120 kmh auto mi očajno trese i moram s dvije ruke skoro držati volan. Takodjer kad pretječem na autoputu pri 140kmh uz trešnju, kad se vračam u desnu traku (cim volan malo u desno dam) stvara se dodatna buka, kao da kolo udara u nešto, Pregledao sam sve i ništa ne vidim na oko. A pri manjim brzinama toga ničega nema, niti kad moram u desno niti trešnja. Što bi moglo biti?
Da li dodatna oprema isplati
ante_st replied to Gabre's topic in Tehnicke rasprave, kvarovi i popravci
baš me zanima: bolji motor i manje opreme slabiji motor i više opreme što bi vi? ja bi slabiji motor i više opreme -
Poništenje upozorenja malog tlaka u gumama GOLF 6
ante_st replied to ante_st's topic in Tehnicke rasprave, kvarovi i popravci
@gmajna koju tipku? -
ima li tko maslinovo ulje za prodati? jer svima je bila sezona loša, meni isto i nemam ga ništa. ps. renda aj javi mi detalje na pm
Pozdrav, postao vlasnik golfa 6 1.6td (105ks)i. Prije kupnje pregledan u ovlaštenog i sve je odlično, ali pošto nisam prije vozio dizela 1,6 zanima me jedna stvar. Auto kad je ugrijan, i kad stojim u leru dosta trese (amo reć cuka). Kazaljka obrtomjera se ne miče puno (cca 1-2mm). U auto zubaku (neostar) gdje sam kupio auto kažu da je to normalna stvar kod 1.6tdi. zanima me jesu li u pravu ili je neki kvar to?
@msporis.još bolje, ionako bi išao samo iphone/ipod/ipad idem vidit na ebay
jeli ovo valja? ima li kakva druga opcija?
može li se u Citroen c4 picasso 2012 godina, ovaj s ovom unutrašnjošču ugradit aux ili usb za slušat muziku? komplicirano? što je sve potrebno? gdje to u Splitu napravit
Precizno tokarenje - Split
ante_st replied to Rocky's topic in Tehnicke rasprave, kvarovi i popravci
preporuka za Kozlicu na visokoj. Momak radi čuda ako ti triba broj ili što javi se -
RENEKO autodijelovi - popust na asortiman za forumaše
ante_st replied to Raptor6767's topic in Forumske trgovine i trgovci
raptore imaš li ceradu za motore (točnije za xmax treba)? -
ma imam ponudu za jednu mazdu 6 20 dizel debelo ispod cijene ali mora mijenjati se zupčasti. godina je 2007 ili 2008 (ne znam točno još) imaju li još kakve boljke? što pogedati? što im odlazi? auto je servisiran u ovlaštenom i sve (bio službeni u jednoj firmi)
Pitanje jedno, koliki je trošak promjene i kupnje zupčastog remena? zasad samo znam da je Mazda 6, 2.0 dizel, 2007 godina.
First off, thank you to Corey @ CarPro for referring this client to me. Owner had just picked up his new F10 M5 and wanted to get it coated with CQuartz finest for a great combo of gloss, slickness, and 2 years durability w/warranty. Client was serious about getting this done before too many miles were on the car, as demonstrated by dropping it off with less than 200 miles on the clock. Unfortunately the dealer did wash it and there were some issues as a result. Not many swirls, but a good amount of RIDS (random isolated deep scratches) scattered throughout. After correction, the wheels were also removed, front calipers corrected, wheels/calipers fully coated as well. Ryan was brought out again to help me knock this beast out. Total time 27.5 hours. As it arrived Typical BMW brake dust.....less than 200 miles Even NEW cars can have defects, these are deep More RIDS on the passenger rear door. Meguiars 101 was used to level out these deep scratches After compounding only....still needing polishing, but looking proper again, RIDS all gone Not good.... Another reason to not let the dealer wash your car. Somebody scrubbed this back and forth pretty hard. Some more issues on the rocker panel After a few rounds with M101 and Surbuf on the Meguiars G110v2 NXT version, some careful taping, then followed by D300 on Megs MF Finishing Disc....this was the result After compounding was done on the hood and doors, we pulled it out into the sun to double check compounding results. After verifying, we continued on with the B-pillars, tail lights, truck, etc...that were still to be done Tail lights and B-pillars needed correction as well. Tape marks the location of stubborn RIDS. Paint depth gauge was utilized to ensure enough material was available for safe removal. Unlike several other BMW's I've seen lately it did have healthy numbers. Full correction shown in the 1000w halogens Onto the wheels, fender wells, and brakes/suspension The fantastic looking M calipers also had some light surface marring. Just a couple minutes later and there were marr free again. The before shots After cleanup, correction, coating, and dressing After cleaning, IPA wipedown, and coating Torquing down to factory specs Rear cleaned and coated Onto the passenger side.... Even the backside of the calipers was fully coated After all correction was finished, we got it outside for some sun shots before the coating was applied to the paint. Wheels had already been finished. Glass not done yet.... B-pillar looking good in the sun Coating all finished and ready for pickup Interior needed very little work, but still wanted to show the amazing work BMW did on this interior. VERY nice place to be.
This Lamborghini was delivered to my shop straight to my shop before anybody got to touch the vehicle. The finish was far from perfect with holograms on every panel and swirls throughout the entire finish from the factory. After a few days of correction the car was brought back to how it should have looked from the factory. But as us detailers all know things will never change. Enjoy the write up... Before Condition Compounding Carried Out With M100 Final Shots
Kataloški broj kite...?
ante_st replied to CroDriver's topic in Tehnicke rasprave, kvarovi i popravci
vidiš da je mati pomoglo to u odabiru boje.. Mislim da bi morao Kevinu zahvaliti javno -
Kako skunuti naljepnicu beba u automobili
ante_st replied to ante_st's topic in Detailing: pranje - čišćenje - održavanje
@all. hvala, probat cu s benzinom/razrjezivacem, pa lagano strugati.. -
Koja je šifra ove boje (bmw antracit)?
ante_st replied to corsa freak's topic in Tehnicke rasprave, kvarovi i popravci
A52 je kod boje space gray -
Koja je šifra ove boje (bmw antracit)?
ante_st replied to corsa freak's topic in Tehnicke rasprave, kvarovi i popravci
Boja na autu ti je Space Gray, a mislim da je ista i na felgi samo nije sjajna.