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koje ulje za getribu ?

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kad je ulje gusto kad je motor hladan onda je mjenjac tvrdji i ni to nevalja... a znamo da se to ulje grije sporije nego motorno...

Drugo su trkace masine koje se prvo dobro ugriju na radnu temp pa tek onda se voze kako se voze.


Al eto ako nije tvrd kad je hladan onda vozi :)

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toliko naklapate i pisete gluposti


tko je ikad izmjerio temp. ulja u mjenjacu ili diffu ?


tko je ikad rastavio isti i pogledao jel ima tragova trosenja i uopce zna to vidjeti , na jednom pa na drugom ulju ?



Mjerim temp tjedno bar 3put... doduše u DSG-u a u visco-u se isto mjeri preko diagnostike... ;)

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ne radi se o tome sto je gusto,vec bolje podmazuje i stiti zupcanike od ostecenja.naravno ne skroz vec ima bolje rezultate od drugih ulja.ono jeste gusto,toliko da se jako sporo sipa,ali kad se zagreje normalno je da bude redje.

poenta je bas u tome da na visokim temperaturama daje bolje rezultate od drugih ulja.



jel se to moze koristit u normalnim getribama kojima se isto cuje kloparenje?

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  • 1 year later...

Da ne otvaram novu temu bzvz već da se nadovežem....


Koje ulje sipati u getribu sa šperom? Kaže mi par poznanika da ide neko posebno sa aditivima jer se sa običnim špera puno brže potroši...


Konkretno, getriba je sa accorda type r 2000g.


Charger? :)

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Da ne otvaram novu temu bzvz već da se nadovežem....


Koje ulje sipati u getribu sa šperom? Kaže mi par poznanika da ide neko posebno sa aditivima jer se sa običnim špera puno brže potroši...


Konkretno' date=' getriba je sa accorda type r 2000g.


Charger? :)[/quote']


Honda MTF


Obavezno štivo !!



For most cases where the vehicle is an unmodified Street Car, the OEM Honda MTF (Manual Transmission Fluid) is more than adequate. The problem arises when you start putting either higher power or higher rpm shifting through the transmission. Not only must you still keep within the tolerances of the oem lubrication system, you must also protect the transmission from shock loads. Using Performance Gear Oil is the Number 2 Reason (after incorrect installation) that is directly responsible for most transmission failures (i.e the Cause), subsequently leading to a part failure (i.e the Symptom).


Unfortunately, most consumers tend to follow the advice of your so-called "Performance Specialist" who are only concerned about the symptoms, rather than the cause, and usually end up recommending big-brand (and often expensive) performance gear oils.

This is a 100% NO GO on a Honda Transmission.


Although GL4 & GL5 Rated Gear Oils contain shock protection additives, they are also too thick for the oem Honda lubrication system. The engagement system (synchronous vs dog) is irrelevant in this case. Lubrication is the key word here.

Edited by charger
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