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ima rezultata, mirnije radi motor i lakse pali. ja sam to u svim autima primjetio.

jednostavno uglađeniji rad.




Osjeti se i na pd i cr dizelima. Nisam sipao u ni jednog benzinca

  • 5 months later...
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Jedan Fordov inzenjer koji je rekao sve:


I have been with Ford for 24 years in research and development for their power train division. I have forgotten more lube problems than 90% of so-called mechanics will ever know. I like the way some mechanics make statements like they're some sort of God without being able to back them up. All that mallarkey in some of the feedback above claiming 800,000 miles on a gas engine are laughable. There is so much that goes into producing engine oil that dumping "magic" additives into it is just criminal. The quality of most addatives is questionable at best. Whilst the names may be similar, the quality is not. Additives are blended at the proper rate, heat and in the proper proportions by the manufactures of their particular product. Crude supplies are not all the same quality and the additives have to be adjusted for the quality of the base stock being used by each particular company, per batch. Dumping your own personal stuff will more than likely be way inferior to what the oil manufacturer uses. The chemicals will normally differ from the manufacturers blend, and can cancel each other out to the point where there will be no anti-wear properties left in the product. (This is one reason it's not wise to mix oils from different manufacturers together). Changing the oil from say Mobil to Shell and then to Pennzoil will have a negative effect on your engine from conflicting chemicals. Buy an oil that you may like and STICK TO THAT COMPANY'S product.

What you may get away with when using Shell may cause instant havoc with Valvoline. The major oil companies work closely with the auto manufacturers so that bearing material, seal material, roller bearings, ball bearings, and all other moving parts are not adversely affected by the oil products. This is especially true for automatic transmissions. DO NOT USE SOMETHING OTHER THAN WHAT IS SPECIFIED BY THE CAR MAKER FOR YOUR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION.

Nothing in your site mentions surface finish of the journals, cylinder walls, lobing of the crank journals, or a whole host of mechanical reasons for engine life or engine early death regardless of what oil you use. Nobody has mentioned how wear is affected by hotrodding the vehicle. I can ruin any engine and oil combination that you want to give me in a few hours or less. I can wreck a transmission in 15 minutes.

What about user abuse and manufacturing defects? Grinding a crankshaft in the wrong direction of rotation will eat up the bearings in 5 to 10 minutes. Quality control during manufacturing is the key to long engine life along with following oil- and filter-change intervals as laid out by the manufacturer in your handbook that comes with the car (that nobody reads).

From Ford's perspective, they test Mobil way more than other brand. I pushed using Mobil synthetics for transmission use to eliminate low speed hot oil low pressure and the opposite problem of high speed high pressure and cold oil drag at any speed. More power is lost from pumping torque than from bearing and piston drag. Trying to keep oil pressure up to spec when hot requires a larger pump and more R.P.M. and when things are cold the pump has very high torque and most of the oil flow is going thru the pressure relief valve back into the oil pan. Wasted horsepower; it lowers gas mileage by 20 to 30%

If it takes only 12 to 15 horsepower to move the average car 60mph. and the engine plus the transmission are using 2 to 3 extra horsepower each due to high oil drag (being too thick) you can see how the C.A.F.E. ratings would not be favorable for Ford if we did not use synthetics. Engines on new Fords come with semi-synthetics and the dealerships only use this oil. Full synthetics are still better but cost more.

Conclusion: Read, learn, and use your brain.

  • 7 months later...

Da malo bumpam temu.. Da li staviti Xceramic ili Ceratec ili ne?? Vidim Marko je našao post koji ne govori baš da je ZA aditiv..


Probao sve, najbolji je od lm ceratec. Ovo ostalo je tako, vodica.


btw ne ocekujete da popravi motor, smanji potrosnju i za 0.1deci ... Znaci nema cudotvornih svojstva.


oni koji to koriste bogami ce primjetit lakse zakurblavanje motora pogotovo zimi na -10

LM Ceratec za svaku preporuku.

nekidan stavio u novi golf plus 1.6 tdi od stare.

vrlo zadovoljan

Posted (edited)

Također na Xenumu i Xeramicu iz iskustva.


Combo i Dobló stoje vani i stvarno auto mirnije/tiše radi kad se pali na hladno. Isto mi kaže i ekipa koja je uzela keramiku.


Clio je u garaži koja je uvijek u plusu koliko god hladno bilo vani tako da nije mjerodavan. Jučer je bilo 5C u garaži, a vani -10C valjda. :D


Da ne bi bilo da sam pristran ili nešto, imam ih sve u ponudi:



Edited by Raptor6767
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Ja sipao ceratec, prdnula pumpa ulja tj oslabila i zacvikao motor...a čuo sam da se može i bez ulja voziti kad imaš ovu sanitarnu keramiku u motoru :D

Meni se taj Xenum VX500 pokazao najgorim.

Najbolji je bio LM ceratec.


Može malo detalja? Ja dva puta sipo ceratec i jebem ga ja ako sam išta primjetio drugačije...

Može malo detalja? Ja dva puta sipo ceratec i jebem ga ja ako sam išta primjetio drugačije...


Ti adetivi se krosite obicno za stare hidropodizace koji su dobili lufta, pa dok se to nasere na stjenke bolje lufta. Pogotovo nastaju problemi kada vrtis motor 2000-2500rpm vise nego sto je stock. Najbolje je resenje novi hidropodizac, ali u mom slucaju je jedan bio oko 400kn s popustom(trebam ih 16).


Sada dok imam dobre podizace(nove) uljevanjem adetiva se nista ne primjeti. U prevodu ti adetivi smanjuju simptome losih djelova.

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