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TDI jednomaseni zamašnjk i kuplung

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Uskoro ću vjerovatno trebati mjenjati kuplung pa bi odmah stavio i jednomaseni zamašnjak


getriba 6 brzina 1.9TDI ASZ


trebao bi vaše savjete i prijedloge


evo šta sam ja našao


kompletan gotov kit



ili uzeti valeo kit sa SMF i ostaviti samo jednomaseni zamašnjak a ostalo prodati i to spariti sa



lud sam više pa predložite nešto pametno :thumbsup:

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Koliko sam skužio SMF od Helix i Sachs Performance su lakši od Valeo i oni "rondaju"


Dear Boris,


thanks for your inquiry for a Sachs Race Engineering (SRE) performance clutch.


You can NOT use the separate one-mass-flywheel together with the normal Perofmance clutch kit you´ve

asked for!


There´s a complete kit with organic clutch disc and ONE-mass-flywheel available for your Seat Ibiza 1.9TDI.

- To compensate the TWO-mass-flywheel, the clutch in that kit is torsion damped (and not rigid). After all,

you´ll have “street-compatible” clutch with a good and all-day start performance and you´ve replaced the

WEAK two-mass-flywheel. Furthermore, the weight of the one-mass- flywheel is less!


- That means less stress on the crankshaft and more power on the wheels (because of less rotation mass)

and more power at the wheels!


At end end, I can highly recommend that combination on your Ibiza 1.9 TDI / ARL and you won´t have any

problems with a two-mass-flywheel and clutch in the future. Because of that typically problems on tuned

cars, Sachs Race Engineering has produced that complete-replacement clutch with a torsion damped clutch

disc to avoid broken and/or slipping clutches and/or flywheels. In general, there´s mostly a transmission

noise especially at idle. So if you´re a very comfort-oriented driver or your wife drives most times with

that car, this could not be the ideal soluton. But if you´re a sporty oriented driver, this is a great solution!


Special offer for the complete SRE performance set (SRE Clutch Cover + SRE Disc and lighter Flywheel) :

1300 EUR (instad of 1419EUR) and free shipping.


If you´ve further any questions, don´t hesitate to contact me.


Kind Regards from Hamburg/Germany,


Bodo Schürmann

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Kad smo vec tu, moze li mi netko bez podjebavanja i ako se bas kuzi u to (:lol:) objasniti zasto se na te PD TDI-e stavlja jednomaseni umjesto original zamasnjaka.

Jasno mi je da je "mana" dvomasenih da se sjebu brzo na cipanim motorima, previse momenta i to, ali zasto onda ne uzeti "jaci" dvomaseni koji ce izdrzati torturu cipanog skup sa cijelim kuplung setom?

Ja sam sebi na TDI-a 110 stavio jednomaseni sa TDI90, i nekad mi auto zacukava na nizim okretajima i dosta je iritirajuce pa moram oprezno pustat kuplung - nisam nis dobio sa tim stavljanjem jednomasenog :lol:

OK, nisam stavio ni senzor pozicije kuplunga, ali nisam ga ni imao dok je TDI90 bio unutra, pa nije tako zacukavao, tj nije uopce :huh:

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Šta su ovi iz SACHS PERFORMANCE debili pa seru?


nekako mi nije logično da je samo 10% razlika


za ovaj kažu 600Nm+



Ispada da ti negine 1300e i onda je sve drugo lakse..


Na ebayu se po par sto eura nude neki kao sportski kitevi ali to su pretpostavljam neka kineska smeca. Cak nigdje nisma vidio ni ime firme



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Ispada da ti negine 1300e i onda je sve drugo lakse..


Na ebayu se po par sto eura nude neki kao sportski kitevi ali to su pretpostavljam neka kineska smeca. Cak nigdje nisma vidio ni ime firme



po cijeni nebi trebao biti loš kit jer ipak nije neki brand a kao i da je to neka jebena znanost za napraviti

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