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Motor se gasi kada je vani 0°c

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Zašto auti na karbove imaju preklopku na usisu da vuče topli zrak oko ispušne grane??


jer imaju karbove(losu kontrolu ubrizganog goriva, pogotovo ovisno o temperaturi motora), a novi auti su ipak napredniji i to resavaju na drugi nacin.

Svako grijanje zraka ce umanjiti max snagu motora.

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Mi stavili danas drugi MAF senzor i isti kurac... odemo na klopu, auto tak tak ide... parkiram ga pred firmom, krenem doma - poludio totalno. Ide ko đavao kada je imao gljivu. Ne kužim, jebeno ne kužim. Ali kad bih kužio bio bih mehaničar hahaha

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Kolko vidim po netu ima punooo ljudi problema s time:


Jesi probao mozda ovo:

if you just turn the key when you get in to the on position, and wait for the fuel pump to prime, maybe 5 or 10 seconds, then start the car, the issue doesnt exist.


its when you get in, and start the car right away that it shows up.

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