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The Nürburgring Just Banned Lap Records — APEX


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??? zasto


The decision to ban timed laps stems from an accident earlier this year at a VLN race, involving driver Jann Mardenborough, in which a spectator was killed. Track management reacted by imposing a speed limit at Flugplatz, where the crash occurred. Since then, management has imposed further restrictions in other high-speed sectors. This is a particularly disappointing development for Koenigsegg, since the One:1’s flat-out speed in those sectors would likely have given it a lap-time advantage. In Tiergarten, for instance, a long, fast section where Christian estimates the One:1 could easily hit 300 kph, speed is now restricted to just 200 kph.

devet znakova

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Da, ali:


But there’s a twist to the story. After the initial restrictions were in place, Lamborghini ran its new Aventador SV and published a sub-seven-minute lap time. Nürburgring management claims Lamborghini’s attempt happened one day before they issued the latest round of restrictions. Yet at the same time, WTCC laps have been allowed to ignore all speed limits all together? What’s the deal? We’re investigating.


Tako da izgleda da pravila nisu jednaka za sve :)


Nurburgring je privatna staza u posjedu neke kompanije, tako da mogu raditi sto zele, ali na stazi (Nurburgring se doduse klasificira kao neki oblik autoceste) stavljati ogranicenja je totalni nonsens... A mislim, odnosno nadam se da i publika i vozaci znaju da gledanje/voznja utrka nije isto kao gledanje/igranje nogometa ili saha... Ili kako bi rekli, motorsport is the only sport that requires two balls, u slobodnom prijevodu, motorsport je jedini sport koji zahtijeva dva jaja...

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Kakav idiotizam. Sta je sljedece, servis u tenisu preko 200kmh ce biti diskvalifikacija zbog opasnosti za gledatelje haha? Sve je krenulo u američanskom smjeru gdje se ljudi smatraju debilima i na sve moraju biti upozoreni.

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Kakav idiotizam. Sta je sljedece, servis u tenisu preko 200kmh ce biti diskvalifikacija zbog opasnosti za gledatelje haha? Sve je krenulo u američanskom smjeru gdje se ljudi smatraju debilima i na sve moraju biti upozoreni.



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Kakav idiotizam. Sta je sljedece, servis u tenisu preko 200kmh ce biti diskvalifikacija zbog opasnosti za gledatelje haha? Sve je krenulo u američanskom smjeru gdje se ljudi smatraju debilima i na sve moraju biti upozoreni.


Onda fino stavis table u tim zavojima za publiku, ili zatvoris tu zonu za gledatelje, ili podignes vecu/jacu barijeru.

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