Ozy Posted August 3, 2009 Posted August 3, 2009 tko, gdje i za koliko? pita8 one u "kucicama" po placevima isl. al ne mogu nissan kod prekopirat.. ovl. servis trazi 1kkn za kopiju + kodiranje :doh
DarioB Posted March 10, 2017 Posted March 10, 2017 tko mi moze u zg napraviti kodirani kljuc? osim onog u cc west
BM0021 Posted March 10, 2017 Posted March 10, 2017 Maček nemre daljinski složiti, to ovaj u cityu radi. Za Passat rekao 850kn
Xman Posted March 10, 2017 Posted March 10, 2017 plus kod njega ides ako se volis guzit po centru jedno sat i pol vremena trazeci parking i tako to :lol:
vjeko Posted March 10, 2017 Posted March 10, 2017 U cc west me za mondea s daljinskim trazili 450kn, u cc east 650 za obicni jer daljinski vele da nemre. Za mitsubishi od starog ni u cc west nisu mogli obican kodirani kljuc napravit. Doduse pred kojih 3-4 godine
BM0021 Posted March 10, 2017 Posted March 10, 2017 Objasnio mi je Maček da taj stroj za daljinsko košta brutalno i da se njemu jednostavno ne isplati to... Ovaj u cc west ga ima očito, rekao sat vrem sve gotovo
Xman Posted March 10, 2017 Posted March 10, 2017 zvao, ne mogu ove nazovi, skoro sam ziher da oni to mogu http://www.osor-promet.hr/kodirani.html
Rus Posted March 10, 2017 Posted March 10, 2017 https://rackimajstorhlapic.fullbusiness.com/ ja sam njemu slao postom karticu od lagune i ok je tip
maredo Posted March 10, 2017 Posted March 10, 2017 Objasnio mi je Maček da taj stroj za daljinsko košta brutalno i da se njemu jednostavno ne isplati to... Ovaj u cc west ga ima očito, rekao sat vrem sve gotovo Yap...prije mjesec dana je bio na vagi da uzme stroj s kojim može apsolutno sve raditi(bio bi čak i dobar popust) ali kad je sve zbrojio ne isplati mu se...najviše zbog lokacije (centar grada bez parkinga) i zbog male potražnje, ne bi ga isplatio valjda pet godina a do tada bi trebao i drugi stroj...
acmen Posted March 10, 2017 Posted March 10, 2017 U cc west me za mondea s daljinskim trazili 450kn, u cc east 650 za obicni jer daljinski vele da nemre. Pih; za 100njak kn kupio komplet ključ i to od focusa mk3, daljinsko sam isprogramiraš za par min a transponder mi frend iskodirao za 50kn. Naravno narezao ključ kod malo boljeeg bravara i sve OEM. Što se mondea tiče; kupiš si samo kućište te komplet sve iz svojega ključa prebaciš u isto (moraš samo oštricu narezati naravno). Meni je taj tip skakavca backup ključ jer OEM ključ od Focusa je identičan kao i kod mondea mk3 (samo je oštrica drugačija koju ionako moraš narezati). Ukoliko želiš klonirati svoj ključ tada kupi ovaj skakavac sa elektronikom te samo trebaš prijaviti novi transponder. Evo ti od jednoga forumaša baš skakavac za mondea I eto ti metoda(e) prijavljivanja daljinca With the key in the ignition, turn the ignition on to the I position, then off and then again three times, then once more and leave it at I. A beep will sound showing that the system is set to program. Now press the unlock button on the remote. Press the unlock button on any other remotes that you have to program at the same time. Now turn the ignition off. A beep will sound indicating that program mode is finished. if the first method does not work try this method Insert the ignition key and turn from position II (Ignition) to position 0 (All off) and back four times within three seconds. Remove the ignition key. The locking control system is now in "learn mode" for the next 20 seconds and the red warning system LED (By the clock) stays on continuously to indicate this. During the 20 seconds press one of the transmitter buttons. The remotes signal and code number is learned by the locking module and is indicated by flashing the warning system LED. Wait until learn mode times out (20 seconds) or switch the ignition back to ON. Radio Frequency Programming Instructions: 1. Insert the ignition key and turn from position II (Ignition) to position 0 (All off) and back four times within three seconds. The car makes a noise that is the same noise i get when i open the door and leave the lights on. 2. Remove the ignition key. The locking control system is now in "learn mode" for the next 20 seconds. A red warning system LED (By the clock) stays on continuously to indicate this if you have an LED. I don't have an LED so i just guessed it was in learn mode. 3. During the 20 seconds press one of the transmitter buttons. The remotes signal and code number is learned by the locking module and is indicated by flashing the warning system LED. No indication is given if you don't have the LED. 4. Wait until learn mode times out (20 seconds) or switch the ignition back to ON. I just put the key in the ignition and started the car. FORD Focus (Radio 3 Button) - Key Remote Programming1. Switch Ignition On/Off (II/0) 4 times within 6 seconds until a sound is made. 2. Press any button on Remote until a sound is made. 3. To program additional Remotes, repeat after 2 seconds after the sound. 4. Turn Ignition On/Off to exit. 5. A maximum of 4 remotes can be programmed. The procedure is a little different for 2000-2006 vs. 2007-2011. Sit in car, doors closed: 2000-2006 1. Turn the ignition from "Off" to "Run" four times in six seconds. Key stops in "Run" position on fourth cycle. 2. Turn the ignition to "Off." The car will chime to confirm that you've done everything correctly so far. Key is still in ignition 3. Press any key on the first remote you're programming. Perform this within 20 seconds of Step 2. The car will chime to confirm programming. 4. Repeat Step 3 with each additional remote*, all within the 20 seconds. Remove key from ignition. *The remotes should be inside the vehicle during the procedure (eg. all on front seat.) 2007-2011 1. Turn the ignition from "Off" to "Run" eight times in ten seconds. Key stays in "Run" position on eighth cycle. The locks will cycle to confirm that you've entered programming mode. 2. Press any key on the first remote you're programming. Perform this within 20 seconds of Step 1. The door locks will cycle to confirm programming. 3. Repeat Step 2 with each additional remote, within 20 seconds of the prior programming. The locks will cycle after each successful programming. 4. Turn the key to the "Off" position to exit the programming mode. Remove key from ignition. I jedan zanimljiv text vezan za dodavanje totalno novog ključa.
acmen Posted March 10, 2017 Posted March 10, 2017 Di je točno taj u CC West? Na glavnome ulazu odeš dolje u garažu onim pokretnim stepenicama točno na sredini (preko puta zlatarne). I čim se spustiš odmah sa desne strane je kod stepenica nemreš fulati. Prije je bio na dnu pokretnih stepenica na lijevo odmah kod glavnog ulaza.
Jopa Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 Ja sam trebao za Superba kljuc napravit i kljucari su me trazili po 800, 900kn za kljuc sa zamjenskim kucistem. I ne budi lijen nazovem Porsche slavonska i vele 780kn za originalni kljuc i jos ide neki popust na to. Probajte sa ovlaštenim, mozda je isto jeftini
killercivic Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 A za f-seriju jel ima kakvo rijesenje osim 2400kn kod tomica
DarioB Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 pitaj tog u cc west, on meni moze za A8 napravit, ali nije mogao danas
Fox Posted April 25, 2017 Posted April 25, 2017 Radi li taj u CCWest i opelove kljuceve? Izdao me kljuc nekidan, morao ici po rezervni doma na drugi kraj grada a nije da nije pao 800 puta, raspao se 4-5 puta. Dobro je i trajao otkad sam kupio Astru prije tri ipo godine... Radi daljinsko otkljucavanje ali nece zaverglati, ne prica vise sa autom .
_DEX_ Posted April 25, 2017 Posted April 25, 2017 Radi li taj u CCWest i opelove kljuceve? Izdao me kljuc nekidan, morao ici po rezervni doma na drugi kraj grada a nije da nije pao 800 puta, raspao se 4-5 puta. Dobro je i trajao otkad sam kupio Astru prije tri ipo godine... Radi daljinsko otkljucavanje ali nece zaverglati, ne prica vise sa autom .Radi. Meni je za Zafiru za nepreklopni kljuc rekao 500 kn. Sent from my LG-H850 using Tapatalk
Risbo Posted April 25, 2017 Posted April 25, 2017 Ima u Gorici jedna mala radnja. Rade svašta.. Meni su radili za Focusa kodirani http://profi-kljucevi.hr/
MarioST Posted April 25, 2017 Posted April 25, 2017 Za focusa iskodiras kinez kljuc s praznim cipom u par sekundi tako rec
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