"The administrator has specified that you can only edit messages for 15 minutes after you have posted. This limit has expired, so you must contact the administrator to make alterations on your message."
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The service interval display can also be reset using the following procedure:
‒ Switch off ignition.
‒ Press the reset key for the trip recorder on the dash panel insert and at the same time switch on the ignition.
The trip recorder display will now read: Service OIL".
‒ Pull out the clock adjuster knob on the dash panel insert and hold in position until the message "Service OIL" is cancelled.
The trip recorder display will now read: "Service - - -".
‒ Press the trip recorder reset key again to call up the next service message.
The trip recorder display will now read: "Service INSP".
‒ Pull out the clock adjuster knob on the dash panel insert and hold in position until the message "Service INSP" is cancelled.
The trip recorder display will now read: "Service - - -".
‒ Switch off ignition.