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vjerujem da su amortizeri dobri i da su napravili dosta custom stvari na njima i da nama tu rekreativcima ne triba bolje.




upravo tako


mislim da na prste jedne ruke mogu nabrojat forumaše koji mogu pod dupetom skužit razliku između KW varijanta 3 il ovoga


meni klošaru bude sasvim dovoljan rabljeni bilstein za moj način vožnje, a kad to bude preslabo vrijeme je za GT3 : )


Najveca nauka nije uopce u ovim klipovima i sipkama nego u ventilima.


KW svaki amortizer testira odvojeno na dyno i svaki set se matchira da je lijevi i desni isti bez odstupanja.


Bitne stvari su i kako se amortizer ponasa s promjenom temperarure tu su upravo ventili bitni.




KW V3 i Clubsport po zimi su puno "neudobniji" i nakon što auto stoji par dana prvih par minuta je tvrđi amortizer.


upravo tako


mislim da na prste jedne ruke mogu nabrojat forumaše koji mogu pod dupetom skužit razliku između KW varijanta 3 il ovoga


Odmah sam skužio razliku između V3 i Clubsporta premda me većina (internet tjunera) uvjeravala da su to u principu isti amortizeri samo sa camber platesima.

Ne znam zašto, ali Clubsport mi osjetno bolje radi od V3.


Pritom ne mislim da track uporabu već za DD. Svega sam 2x bio sa Clubsportom na stazi dok sa V3 oko 5x.

KW V3 i Clubsport po zimi su puno "neudobniji" i nakon što auto stoji par dana prvih par minuta je tvrđi amortizer.


Nikad taj problem nisam ima. Mora da imas extra njezno dupe kad to osjetis :D


Odmah sam skužio razliku između V3 i Clubsporta premda me većina (internet tjunera) uvjeravala da su to u principu isti amortizeri samo sa camber platesima.

Ne znam zašto, ali Clubsport mi osjetno bolje radi od V3.


Pritom ne mislim da track uporabu već za DD. Svega sam 2x bio sa Clubsportom na stazi dok sa V3 oko 5x.


Ne znam na Cliu, al npr na S2000 razlika izmedju V3 i Clubsport je u tvrdoci opruge i razlika je u jednom "shimu" na rebound ventilu koji sluzi da bi amortizer "pratio" tvrdju oprugu.


Na kraju dana i jedan i drugi rade kako ih namjestis, pogotovo na cesti di uopce ne mozes iskoristit razliku izmedju ta 2 amortizera.

Nikad taj problem nisam ima. Mora da imas extra njezno dupe kad to osjetis :D




Ne znam na Cliu, al npr na S2000 razlika izmedju V3 i Clubsport je u tvrdoci opruge i razlika je u jednom "shimu" na rebound ventilu koji sluzi da bi amortizer "pratio" tvrdju oprugu.


Na kraju dana i jedan i drugi rade kako ih namjestis, pogotovo na cesti di uopce ne mozes iskoristit razliku izmedju ta 2 amortizera.


Da, kao da su prvih par minuta nešto tvrđi amortizeri kad auto dugo stoji ili kad je zima.

Auto je garažiran pa ga po tjedan dana ne vozim, a kad izađem iz garaže onda iza zgrade imam ulegnuća pa se odmah može "testirati". Ili kad dugo stoji po zimi ispred firme pa kad se krenem vozit.


Rihtao sam ih nekih mjesec dana dok si ih nisam podesio kak mi odgovara. Neki kompromis za DD.


Ne znam s mehaničke strane u čemu je razlika, ali se fakat primjeti. Pogotovo na istom autu, isti vozač.


Jako sam zadovoljan Clubsportom.


Glavna razlika izeđu V3 i Clubsporta je što Clubsport ima puno širi raspon podešavanja tvrdoće.

I nisam siguran, ali mislim da nema onaj treći ventil za nagle udare kao V3


Hello guys,


My name is Jerrick from MeisterR.

Now, I have been informed of this thread by another member.

As I am not a trader here I will only keep things factual, and I'll try to help answer any questions anyone may have.


I can't say how MeisterR is different from the every products on the market, because I can only do that if I have complete information on the other products, which I do not.

I can say what are unique about MeisterR, and those are features that other products will not have.


So lets go through some of the unique feature of the MeisterR ZetaCRD coilovers for the NA / NB:


1. Rear Extended Top Mount with longer stroke dampers:

We have a unique extended rear top mount, this top mount is longer than any other coilovers I have seen on the market.

This "extra" extended top mount allow us to run a longer stroke damper that help avoid the rear damper bottoming out issue.

The result is good ride compliancy even on uneven road surfaces.

You can even see from the 2 picture posted above that the rear top hat is different on the MeisterR.





2. Close Ratio Damping (C.R.D.)

The heart of the ZetaCRD is our close ratio damping




The closer compression and rebound peak force ratio and the "shield" shape graph mean your car will push the tyres harder into the ground to generate better traction and steering response on stiffer damping setting, but still have a compliant road car that will deal with uneven road surfaces well on softer damping setting.


The CRD valving were designed in house at our UK R&D workshop along with our technical partner Black Art Design.

We have combined over two decade of experiences from providing suspension to OEM, Government, and Military application as well as a track record success of providing suspension to championship winning race cars.


The CRD is what makes the MeisterR coilovers ride nicer, grip harder, and perform better than the next suspension.


3. Vehicle dynamically calculated springs rate

All of MeisterR coilovers have their springs rate calculated by a vehicle dynamic engineer in our UK workshop.

We didn't just pick some numbers out of thin air and hope it works, they were calculated to know it works.

While it might be similar or the same as other company (As it is the same car we are all working on), we have confidence that it will work because we worked the math to before hand.


4. Thicker diameter damper shaft

The ZetaCRD employ a thicker damper shaft, and is larger by the industry standard (and our previous generation) by about 10%.

This increase in diameter provide a stronger unit that are more stable dynamically.


5. Rubber insulated spring coil

The ZetaCRD all have an insulator on the first coil of the springs.

This help improve service life of the springs as well as reduce any possible of noise coil noise.


6. Unique UK Patent Pending Radial Adjustable Non-Slip Collars.

Our unique locking collar are engineered in house using CAD program.

This collar allow large amount of force to go through without slipping allowing user to lock and unlock collar easier in the future.

This system require much higher precision than most collar system, therefore each C-spanner must be individually laser cut in order to meet it's tolerance.



The MeisterR ZetaCRD coilovers isn't like other coilovers because a lot of engineering have gone on in from our UK R&D workshop to make sure it is the best we can put out within this market segment.

It may look similar, it can even look the same; after all, they are all designed to fit the same chassis.

But while the outside may look the same, the inside and the performance will be different; because we engineered them to be different.


I hope that help shed some light on what is different between the MeisterR Coilovers and other brands.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to let me know.





jerricko aktivan jako kod miata zajednice sa konstruktivnim odgovorima i kljucnim poboljšanim stvarima za miatu i podrškom :notworthy:..tako da je kompletno custom setup i to mi se jako jako sviđa...ugl. kompa iz de uzima za svoju NA pa cekam da probam i odlucim jel bu to to :)


Hello, this is Jerrick from MeisterR.

I was asked to join in to help provide some technical info and help answer any questions.


So if anyone have anything they want to know, I'll be happy to help.

Of course, I can only read and write English, so bare with me as I'll do what I can to help get the info across.





Welcome along :)


Well you can just give a small brief to lads on Gt1's, I reckon on each forum are common question on how do Gt1's perform compared to other coilovers on market such as Kw's Eibach and similar. Pro's and cons. Are your products made in China and so ?


Sent from my SM-G850F using Tapatalk


The GT1 coilovers is MeisterR top range 1-way adjustable coilovers for fast road & track use.

They are engineered by our in house technical partner Black Art Design located in Rayne, Essex, UK.


The GT1 uses CNC made internal that were engineered from the ground up in UK.

All internal components are CNC made in house at our UK workshop, none of the internal are out sourced.

All GT1 are assembled either at our UK or USA workshop depending on stock and location, but all internals parts are made in UK.


Here is a quick picture of what the GT1 44mm double piston assembly looks like:




In terms of performance, the GT1 are an 1-way compression and rebound combined adjustable mono-tube dampers.

The closest type of suspension to the GT1 will be the Ohlins DFV as both retain the "dual perch" design where the springs are adjusted independent of the ride height adjustment.

Other suspension that are in similar mono-tube categories that use more advanced CNC internal are the likes of AST, Nitron, Quantum, JRZ, etc.


Mono-tube damper are a lot more consistent as all parts that control damping force generation are located at the valve.

What this mean is generally you have much more consistent build result as if the piston, shims, and gas pressure are the same, you get very repeatable result.

It also provide faster damping response from high pressure charged gas (no phase delay), more consistent damping force under hard usage (no heat fade), and generally better damping characteristic from the larger internal piston.


KW is a Twin-tube damper, so they aren't really in the same performance damper category as a Mono-tube dampers

I am not sure about Eibach, they could be either. The only main stream brand that use mono-tube dampers are Bilstein.


That is a bit about the GT1, any other more specific questions, please feel free to let me know.




Here is a review I done of the GT1 suspension on my own personal 350Z a while back.

I just want to post my review of the latest coilovers for the Z. :)


MeisterR GT1 Coilovers


I recently purchase a 350Z after being absent from the scene for over a decade.

One of the thing I notice in my "new" car was that the ride was a little "choppy" for my liking on the ISC coilovers it had, especially on freeway where you want a bit of comfort.


It seems that a new brand from UK have just started in USA, and JTran is a distributor for them.

I had a chat with a few other Z owners locally who ran the MeisterR ZetaCRD coilovers on their Z, everyone said it was miles better than what they had before both in ride quality or performance.


I decided to try the next level up from the MeisterR ZetaCRD, and that is the MeisterR GT1.

The MeisterR GT1 is their advanced 1-way adjustable system designed for fast road & track use.

They are designed to compete with top end suspension such as Ohlins DFV, which I thought was a pretty high bar to set.


The GT1 is fully height adjustable, 20 clicks damping adjustable mono-tube dampers, using precision CNC machined internals engineered and made in UK at their UK workshop.

The GT1 coilovers are all custom build in MeisterR USA workshop, and so it have a 3-weeks lead time for production.

They also comes with a lifetime warranty, which is one thing that sway me over to the GT1.


First Impression:


After a 3 weeks wait, the suspension finally arrives at JTran.

Took them out of the box for a few photo, and I think everyone at the shop including myself was pretty impress with the overall package.


The first thing you notice right away is the custom made spring cover.

I haven't seen something like this on any other coilovers on the market.

It was design to protect the damper, which tie nicely to the lifetime warranty.








A few unique feature of the GT1 coilovers that are visible on close inspection.

A unique progressive rate bump stop that are design to provide better ride quality, and the unique full metal jacket damper seal that are CNC machined in the UK.

Those unique parts as well as the internal are what make the GT1 coilovers different from anything else.








Installation was pretty straight forward as the entire suspension was pre-assembled out of the box.

Also easy as they were unbolting a coilovers off to put a new coilovers on.




There is also an extended cable included, so that makes adjusting the rear damper much easier.




I put the GT1 against the old ISC coilovers just for comparison, and you can immediately see how much more travel the rear damper have.

This should lead to better ride quality as there will be more movement before the rear damper hit the bump stop.




Ride height setting


After everything were installed, we set the ride height to be a little higher than before.

The main reason is I got a big curb leading into my garage, and a little extra ground clearance isn't going to hurt.

There are still more room to go lower, just not for me.


This is the height I settled with my Z








Road Driving Impression - Comfort


I started in the middle setting around -10 clicks from full hard on the front and rear and see how it feel.

Immediately I noticed how nice the steering feel and how well the damper respond to uneven road surfaces.

Especially when you hit a bumps in mid corner, the damper just soaks it up.

You feel it, you know you ran over a bump, but it doesn't upset the car in anyway even when under power.


On the 1-hour drive home, I did notice the freeway continuously ripple surfaces can get a little "annoying".

By no mean it is uncomfortable or harsh, but it feels like more comfort wouldn't be a bad thing.


So i start backing the damper to soft, and eventually reach what I like.

The setting is -18 clicks on front, -20 clicks on the rear... basically right down to full soft.


At this setting, the car still feel very controllable and is not under damped at all.

However, you can drive on the freeway for hours and wouldn't feel tired.

It is the most comfortable sport suspension i ever been on, and it certainly make OEM suspension from BMW M-Sport or Audi S-Line feel very harsh.


While it is comfortable, the steering is still direct and grip is still feel great.

Going off freeway onto sharp off ramp feels steady and predictable.

The only negative at this setting I can find is if I swerve the steering left and right at around 60mph, at the end of the swerve the car feels like it want to continue the swerve one last time before the car straighten out.

It isn't dramatic or dangerous, but something I did feel.


Road Driving Impression - Fast Road


After a few weeks of driving the Z and everything feels like bedded in, I decide to go down to my local "fast road" to see how the car react for spirited driving.


On the comfort setting, the car is still very controllable and that is good.

Once I got a chance to pull to the side, i decide go ramp the damping up full stiff to see how it react.

Setting is now Full stiff at the front, -2 clicks in the rear.






All i can say was WOW! It was like driving a different car in 30 seconds!

All the excess movement from the previous setting was gone, the car feel really planted.

The front end is direct, turn in was really sharp.

The rear also grip really really well under power.

You can really get on the brake to put the weight on the front for the turn in, and you can put the power down out of the corner without worrying the rear will suddenly break out on you.

I couldn't really drive it hard because it is public road, but certainly the drive was REALLY enjoyable.


Also, on this stiff setting the damper still handle the uneven road surfaces really well.

It is STIFF without a doubt, but IT IS NOT HARD... if that make sense.

Where before when you hit a pot hole at 50mph, you get a sharp "bang".

Now, hit the same hole at the same speed, you get a muffled "thud" instead.

The tires wasn't even fazed when I was full throttle in 3rd when it ran over that pot hole.



I got to say overall, the MeisterR GT1 certainly exceeded my expectation.

The range of adjustment from high comfort to high response was great, and you can really use the adjustment to influence how the car feel.


They certainly aren't the cheapest coilovers on the market, but defiantly a player if you are considering the likes of Ohlins, KW, and Bilstein.


Now that I am pretty comfortable with the setting, I will be looking forward to some track days / Auto solo where I can use the car in anger.

But the best improvement is that I can have a really comfortable ride when I head out to meet or want to have a nice drive, because bouncing up and down on a stiff suspension when driving in a straight line on the freeway is just pointless.

Once I arrive at a track, the car will be ready for some work 30 seconds later.



jerricko aktivan jako kod miata zajednice sa konstruktivnim odgovorima i kljucnim poboljšanim stvarima za miatu i podrškom :notworthy:..tako da je kompletno custom setup i to mi se jako jako sviđa...ugl. kompa iz de uzima za svoju NA pa cekam da probam i odlucim jel bu to to :)

Onaj što ga po makarskoj viđam?

  • 1 month later...

Odradio par sto km na Maister R GT1. Još nisam napravio spur tako da neke velike probe nisam radio. Ovjes vrijedi svake kune. Izrada perfektna i besprijekorna. Trenutno je auto postavljen na 10 klikova napred do Hard i natrag 13.

Auto radi ujednačeno. Preko grba kolotraga, spojeva nadvožnjaka odrađuje perfektno, uopće nije tvrd a opet je auto oštar na reakciji.

Kad složim spur odradim par ruta koje sam vozio a najbolja će biti Zg St stara cesta

Sent from my SM-G850F using Tapatalk

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Na spur odmah, sada odmah I stavi to malo u minus, gume i ovjes za to imas


Tu tvrdocu riktas tako da stavis na najtvrdje, znaci ako je 15 klikova najtvrdje okrenes na 15, pa odmah vrtis prema meksem, na npr. 10... Ali to ti je vjerojatno Jerrick vec rekao :)

Na spur odmah, sada odmah I stavi to malo u minus, gume i ovjes za to imas
Tu tvrdocu riktas tako da stavis na najtvrdje, znaci ako je 15 klikova najtvrdje okrenes na 15, pa odmah vrtis prema meksem, na npr. 10... Ali to ti je vjerojatno Jerrick vec rekao

Odradio danas spur kod Bere (Auto Lab) zbilja se potrudio.

Pa sam išao odmah promjenit diskove i pločice. Tako da se nisam stigao vozit. Kako je Jerrick imao 350z pitao sam ga kako se on vozio. Njemu je odgovaralo malo tvrde postavke tako da mi je preporučio ovo 10 napred 13 natrag i zbilja je super. Taman je za svaki dan. Auto radi super prednji zadnji kraj su u harmoniji. Na volanu je reakcija dosta oštrija nego na Bilsteinu. Mali pomak volana i odmah auto reagira.
Moram se još zavozit kako spada

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  • Like 2

Evo odradio staru cestu Zg St. Jutros sam još malo prije puta stvrdnio sve. 9 klikova od najtvrđeg napred i 12 natrag.

Ovjes je brutalan. Osjećaj na volanu je perverzija.
Auto tako super reagira na svaki pokret, informacije sto se dešava s autom su brutalne.

Na dionicama gdje je asfalt bio novi to je bio baš porn kako auto leži i ponaša se.

Na grbavim dionicama posto je malo tvrđe i sve ništa nije nabijalo ostao sam iznenađen kako auto se NE ponaša nervozno obzirom da takvu vrstu ceste.

Sve u svemu brutalna ovjes...

Sent from my SM-G850F using Tapatalk

  • Like 5
uskoro cu i ja investirat u "brutalna ovjes " pa da vidim kakv je to ses 
....untar par dana ide prvo paljenje pa igranje sa standalonom pa turbo pa amortizerceki...

Nećeš požaliti vrijedi svake lipe :)

Sent from my SM-G850F using Tapatalk

  • Like 1
  • 10 months later...
On 13. 04. 2017. at 6:01 PM, Miataoldschool said:

uskoro cu i ja investirat u "brutalna ovjes " pa da vidim kakv je to ses :D

....untar par dana ide prvo paljenje pa igranje sa standalonom pa turbo pa amortizerceki...B|


O jesam se izdal vec tada:doh1:.. Pa pošto je davno prošlo od paljenja pa sam redom realizirao ms3pro pa novu generaciju  garret gtx2860 gen2 tarabinu... red je odvojiti vrecu novca na majstorice tako da uskoro uz suradnju kolege snjura i jerika mala dobiva jako jebacke amortizerceke :busted_cop:

  • Like 1
On 08/02/2017 at 7:34 PM, Meister R said:

Mono-tube damper are a lot more consistent as all parts that control damping force generation are located at the valve.

What this mean is generally you have much more consistent build result as if the piston, shims, and gas pressure are the same, you get very repeatable result.

It also provide faster damping response from high pressure charged gas (no phase delay), more consistent damping force under hard usage (no heat fade), and generally better damping characteristic from the larger internal piston.


KW is a Twin-tube damper, so they aren't really in the same performance damper category as a Mono-tube dampers


Is this comparison, on monotube being more "consistent", versus twin tube such as KW - last statement meaning these dumpers are superior to all variants of KW, including KW V3?

On 07/04/2017 at 9:32 PM, Snjur said:

Odradio par sto km na Maister R GT1. Još nisam napravio spur tako da neke velike probe nisam radio. Ovjes vrijedi svake kune. Izrada perfektna i besprijekorna. Trenutno je auto postavljen na 10 klikova napred do Hard i natrag 13.

Auto radi ujednačeno. Preko grba kolotraga, spojeva nadvožnjaka odrađuje perfektno, uopće nije tvrd a opet je auto oštar na reakciji.

Kad složim spur odradim par ruta koje sam vozio a najbolja će biti Zg St stara cesta

Sent from my SM-G850F using Tapatalk


Ako bude prilike volio bi usporediti sa KW DDC koje ja imam, mislim da je to V3 sa elektronickom kontrolom dumpinga. Ovaj ovjes ubija, auto je dosadan postao sa serijskom snagom, jer jede zavoje bez nervoze, bilo bi fora probati i nesto bolje, ako je ovo iznad istina. 


Imao sam KW3 na drugom autu jako dobar ovjes. Ovdje sam prvenstveno isao eto jer je nova stvar pa da probam mislio sam se opet između KW i Meister R, ima lifetime warranty, izrada i kvaliteta je zbilja odlična. Kod KW mi je islo na zivce podešavanje za to podesiti sve kako treba valja imati malu skolu. Ode mi je sve na jedan klik tj samo rebound podešava. Za moje potrebe i znanje super coiloveri

Sent from my MI 6 using Tapatalk

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  • 5 months later...

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