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G Tech bye bye?

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"Dynolicious is the first automotive performance meter available for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Dynolicious uses the hardware built-in to your iPhone to measure the performance characteristics of your vehicle. No external wires or equipment is necessary, simply slip the iPhone into a cradle or cupholder and go!


Some of the performance metrics Dynolicious can measure:


* 0-60 Acceleration

* 1/4 Mile Elapsed Time

* Lateral G's

* Horsepower


Unlike other accelerometer-based performance meters, Dynolicious uses the advanced data-handling and display capabilities of the iPhone to make the most of your performance testing. Dynolicious maintains a history of test runs, showing you averages and trends in your results. Dynolicious also allows you to enter modifications performed to your vehicle, and will instantly show before-and-after results to easily identify gains or losses.




Performance Measurements


* 0-60 MPH

* Other Speed Tests (0-10 MPH through 0-100 MPH in 10MPH increments)

* Quarter Mile Elapsed Time

* Quarter Mile Trap Speed

* Elapsed Time and Trap Speed for standard intervals (60', 330', 1/8 Mi, 1000')

* Lateral G's (current and peak)

* Braking G's (current and peak)

* Wheel Horsepower

* Estimated Engine Horsepower



Results Presentation


* Realtime Speedometer and Graphs

* Realtime graphical skidpad display

* View results for latest test run or any saved run

* View averages based on vehicle, date, or modification

* Compare results between vehicles, dates, or before-and-after modifications





* Rollout 0" to 24" (separate settings for 0-60 and Quarter Mile tests)

* Stores vehicle weight and drivetrain efficiency in your vehicle's profile

* Calibration routine gets the maximum accuracy possible with the built-in accelerometers





* A detailed accuracy analysis using professional timing equipment at a regulation dragstrip will be posted soon."






ukoliko se usporede cijene, G Tech SS je 200$, RR je 300$, iPod Tocuh u HR je 400$ i jos se treba kupiti Dynolicious software... najskuplja opcija mozda, ali s druge strane, iPod ili iPhone se moze koristiti i za mnoge druge stvari, multifunkcionalni su... sta vi kazete?

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To sam vidio prije, trazio sam na netu dok sam imao ajfoun al nema nigdje besplatno tak da nisam probao. Imam dojam da taj senzor radi bolje u ajfounu nego kod n95 tak da nemora bit da je neprecizno... Al posto je za symbian daaaleko veci izbor krekanih aplikacija cekam da se nesto tog tipa pojavi za n95/96...


eh da, ajfoun se meni pokazao 100x bolji nego sto sam citao komentare, nije savrsen, ima gluposti ali daleko od toga da nevalja! Touchscreen je jednostavno bez konkurencije kolko dobro funkcionira, svi htc, samsung, lg i ostali su goli k po tom pitanju! Imao sam ih vecinu tak da znam sta pricam...

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To sam vidio prije, trazio sam na netu dok sam imao ajfoun al nema nigdje besplatno tak da nisam probao. Imam dojam da taj senzor radi bolje u ajfounu nego kod n95 tak da nemora bit da je neprecizno... Al posto je za symbian daaaleko veci izbor krekanih aplikacija cekam da se nesto tog tipa pojavi za n95/96...


Na nokiama programi korist GPS za mjerenje ubrzanja dok ovaj koristi accelerometar iliti senzor pokreta. Vidjet ćemo šta je preciznije :)

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