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nissan 100nx (pulsar) motorizacija

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frend ima 100nx 1.6.. auto nejde i on bi nekog turbaka slagao... e sad ja mu velim da mu je bolje ako pase 1.8t iz silvije da to stavi nego da slaze ovaj 1.6..

sta bi uopce pasalo od motorizacije bez nekih vecih prepravka? jel pase zadnji pogon od necega posto je auto prednji pogon?


hvala :D


ovakvog ima:


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Budući SR (2.0) ne paše ni u Almeru sa GA (1.6) motorom na šaraf, pretpostavljam da ne paše ni u NX-a...Tako neka frend dobro provijeri što mu sve treba za ubaciti SR...A treba mu sigurno kompletan SR motor sa getribom i poluosovinama te kompletnom elektrikom....


Budući da želi turbaka, a FWD SR20DET (Japansko tržište) neće naći kod nas, a ni u okolici vjerojatno, neka razmisli što želi od auta jer su se konverzije njegovog postojećeg 1.6 motora u turbo pokazale kao OK solucija do nekih 250ks (čak i više, ali su to napete brojke)....

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ovo bijelo čudovište s prve slike ćete u literaturi naći pod imenom Nissan Exa, uglavnom radi se o Sunnyju N13 u coupe varijanti tako da glede turbaka bi najmanje posla imao kada bi uspio nabaviti CA18DET iz 200sx-a s pratećom strujom i ECU-om i nosače motora, mjenjač i poluosovine od Sunnyja GTI N13 i to je 170 ks ako je motor dobar


SR20DET iz Silvie bi isto mogao ići unutra, samo bi onda trebali mjenjač, nosači motora i poluosovine iz Primere GT P11 ili 100 NX-a (ovog gore srebrnog iz '91-'94)

inače to je moja želja, samo uvijek imamo isti problem, a to je da nemamo "vremena" za sve to složiti, a radi se ovako


Originally posted by HOSTAKI




Sorry Bubi for long waiting . Well to fit an SR16/18/20 engine on a N13 you will need the engine mounts of the SR for sure . Otherwise you'll need to fabricated your own . Dont forget each mount is a 2 piece assembly. The basic mounts of the engine are 3 . As you look at the engine bay :

-The left mount

-The right, gearbox mount

-The rear mount


Also to carry out the conversion you will need the driveshafts of N14 or B13(100NX) to understand how to mount the engine.


The method is simple really .



You remove your old engine . There's an empty bay .You now need to locate the complete SR engine with transmition in the bay . You will need to attach the SR engine to a engine hoist so that you can lift it in the right height as if it was properly mounted .

Now you need to fit the driveshafts . The driveshafts will tell you , if you need to move left or right the whole engine . You use the N13 crossmember .



After you have aligned the engine . Now you have to fit mounts .

Start with the gearbox mount (right one) . You use the N14 part of mount that the N14 gearbox has on it (part number 11220-57C15 if you need to buy it) and attach it to the N13 chassis mount .


The rear mount can be trimmed a bit to be fited . No major job .Not sure if a CA N13 rear engine mount is needed instead of GA N13 rear engine mount.


The left mount is almost the same job as the right one .Use the N14 left engine part mount (11210-58Y20). Though the chassis N13 mount must be chopped and aligned and welded again to fit the SR mount .


The small front small mount must also be sortened to fit .


To cut and weld the mounts is an easy job .You just need to know how to weld surely . You know have an SR engine on a N13 . Cant find pics of left mount .. damn .





što se tiče RWD, N13 su postojali u verziji 4wd samo nisam uspio doći do informacije da li su imali istu podnicu kao i FWD, gledajući moju rekao bi da ne uspije proći kardan

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vidio sam taj Pulsar NX u Djubrava prije par dana, bordo.

ako je to uopce taj tvog frenda.. super izgleda.

neka se rega na nissan forum, tamo je hrpa njih koji kemijaju sa ca18det motorima a to mu je bes buy za utovarit u podhaublje.

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  • 8 years later...
8 hours ago, entuzijast said:

imao ti je Baba plavu, i ja znam samo za jos jednu crnu GTi iz zg...


Ova za koju Fredy pita je isto moja bivša crvena, Carek prodaje!


Crna je nestala, znam da je Vlado pitao lika oće prodat ali auto je koma bio.

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On 12/17/2017 at 2:13 AM, BABA said:


Ova za koju Fredy pita je isto moja bivša crvena, Carek prodaje!


Crna je nestala, znam da je Vlado pitao lika oće prodat ali auto je koma bio.

Aaaaaaa, nisam ni znao da si uzeo drugu i to crvenu :D


Davno je to meni sve bilo, inače super autić i lijepo ide.....Taj SR20DE je poprilično izdržljiv motor svašta se da s njim :D 

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