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evo ako se nekom da, ili ima neki dobar link,


za objašnjenje tih 5w40,10w40, itd itd.. što se gdje koristi i koje su razlike,

pa bi mogli napraviti ovaj topic jedan dobar izvor informacija.


a ujedno gledam što da stavim u auto, unutra je mislim 10w40 shell, a sad mi jedan majstor preporučuje za naše krajeve i niske temperature 5w40...

btw, radi se o 1.9 tdi 110ks bosch pumpa..

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jel to ulje slučajno on drži kod sebe, dok 10w40 nema? :D

btw 5w40 ti je u prosjeku 50% skuplje..


Da lako moguće.


Misliš da nije bolja full sintetika za turbo diesel-a?

jel to ulje slučajno on drži kod sebe, dok 10w40 nema? :D

btw 5w40 ti je u prosjeku 50% skuplje..



mrg - aj nemoj uletavat sa mutavim komentarima u svaki topic :thumbsup:


i ne, on NE DRŽI nikakva ulja, niti ima veze s njima, on mi može samo zamijeniti ulje koja ja donesem, a o mehanici i motorima zna više nego 99% foruma.


back on topic sad, odjebite sa glupostima, NHF


Gabre u Zubaku ti je servisna akcija, 560 kn ulje + filter + promjena ulja i filtera + pranje auta + kava + žig u servisnu i ne moraš se mislit koje ulje stavit


5w40 nije full sintetika... to je isti kurac kao i 10w40 samo kao malo više sintetike ima...


full sintetika ti je nešto drugo obično 0w40 ili 10w60, itd..

5w40 nije full sintetika... to je isti kurac kao i 10w40 samo kao malo više sintetike ima...


full sintetika ti je nešto drugo obično 0w40 ili 10w60, itd..


5w40, 5w30, 0w40, 0w30, itd itd...većinom se tako kreću full sintetike :)


al i da ja pitam, u čemu je točna razlika između 5w30 i 5w40? ili npr 0w30 i 5w30? :)






The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) has established a numerical code system for grading motor oils according to their viscosity characteristics. SAE viscosity gradings include the following, from low to high viscosity: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50 or 60. The numbers 0, 5, 10, 15 and 25 are suffixed with the letter W, designating their "winter" (not "weight") or cold-start viscosity, at lower temperature. The number 20 comes with or without a W, depending on whether it is being used to denote a cold or hot viscosity grade. The document SAE J300 defines the viscometrics related to these grades.

Kinematic viscosity is graded by measuring the time it takes for a standard amount of oil to flow through a standard orifice, at standard temperatures. The longer it takes, the higher the viscosity and thus higher SAE code.

Note that the SAE has a separate viscosity rating system for gear, axle, and manual transmission oils, SAE J306, which should not be confused with engine oil viscosity. The higher numbers of a gear oil (eg 75W-140) do not mean that it has higher viscosity than an engine oil.





A single-grade engine oil, as defined by SAE J300, cannot use a polymeric Viscosity Index Improver (also referred to as Viscosity Modifier) additive. SAE J300 has established eleven viscosity grades, of which six are considered Winter-grades and given a W designation. The 11 viscosity grades are 0W, 5W, 10W, 15W, 20W, 25W, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60. These numbers are often referred to as the 'weight' of a motor oil.

For single winter grade oils, the dynamic viscosity is measured at different cold temperatures, specified in J300 depending on the viscosity grade, in units of mPa·s or the equivalent older non-SI units, centipoise (abbreviated cP), using two different test methods. They are the Cold Cranking Simulator (ASTM D5293) and the Mini-Rotary Viscometer (ASTM D4684). Based on the coldest temperature the oil passes at, that oil is graded as SAE viscosity grade 0W, 5W, 10W, 15W, 20W, or 25W. The lower the viscosity grade, the lower the temperature the oil can pass. For example, if an oil passes at the specifications for 10W and 5W, but fails for 0W, then that oil must be labeled as an SAE 5W. That oil cannot be labeled as either 0W or 10W.

For single non-winter grade oils, the kinematic viscosity is measured at a temperature of 100 °C (212 °F) in units of mm²/s or the equivalent older non-SI units, centistokes (abbreviated cSt). Based on the range of viscosity the oil falls in at that temperature, the oil is graded as SAE viscosity grade 20, 30, 40, 50, or 60. In addition, for SAE grades 20, 30, and 40, a minimum viscosity measured at 150 °C (302 °F) and at a high-shear rate is also required. The higher the viscosity, the higher the SAE viscosity grade is.

For some applications, such as when the temperature ranges in use are not very wide, single-grade motor oil is satisfactory; for example, lawn mower engines, industrial applications, and vintage or classic cars.





The temperature range the oil is exposed to in most vehicles can be wide, ranging from cold temperatures in the winter before the vehicle is started up to hot operating temperatures when the vehicle is fully warmed up in hot summer weather. A specific oil will have high viscosity when cold and a lower viscosity at the engine's operating temperature. The difference in viscosities for most single-grade oil is too large between the extremes of temperature. To bring the difference in viscosities closer together, special polymer additives called viscosity index improvers, or VIIs are added to the oil. These additives are used to make the oil a multi-grade motor oil, though it is possible to have a multi-grade oil without the use of VIIs. The idea is to cause the multi-grade oil to have the viscosity of the base grade when cold and the viscosity of the second grade when hot. This enables one type of oil to be generally used all year. In fact, when multi-grades were initially developed, they were frequently described as all-season oil. The viscosity of a multi-grade oil still varies logarithmically with temperature, but the slope representing the change is lessened. This slope representing the change with temperature depends on the nature and amount of the additives to the base oil.

The SAE designation for multi-grade oils includes two viscosity grades; for example, 10W-30 designates a common multi-grade oil. The two numbers used are individually defined by SAE J300 for single-grade oils. Therefore, an oil labeled as 10W-30 must pass the SAE J300 viscosity grade requirement for both 10W and 30, and all limitations placed on the viscosity grades (for example, a 10W-30 oil must fail the J300 requirements at 5W). Also, if an oil does not contain any VIIs, and can pass as a multi-grade, that oil can be labelled with either of the two SAE viscosity grades. For example, a very simple multi-grade oil that can be easily made with modern base oils without any VII is a 20W-20. This oil can be labeled as 20W-20, 20W, or 20. Note, if any VIIs are used however, then that oil cannot be labeled as a single grade.

The real-world ability of an oil to crank or pump when cold is potentially diminished soon after it is put into service. The motor oil grade and viscosity to be used in a given vehicle is specified by the manufacturer of the vehicle (although some modern European cars now have no viscosity requirement), but can vary from country to country when climatic or fuel efficiency constraints come into play.


full sintetika je na bazi estera i nema minerala i ne smije se miješati sa ostalim uljima... 5w i 10w možeš slobodno mješati jer imaju minerale...


5w40 je gušće ljeti od 5w30, gdje je 30 za hladnije sjevernije zemlje, ne za mediteran...


0w30 i 5w30 kao što rekoh nemaju veze jedno sa drugim jer su potpuno na različitim bazama...


Ma pitam jer je u autu dosad bilo 5w30, al je bio u hladnijim krajevima, sad je na moru ( :lol: ), a stavljao bi 5w40 od istog proizvođača, a u knjižici stoji da može i 5w30 i 5w40...

full sintetika je na bazi estera i nema minerala i ne smije se miješati sa ostalim uljima... 5w i 10w možeš slobodno mješati jer imaju minerale...


5w40 je gušće ljeti od 5w30, gdje je 30 za hladnije sjevernije zemlje, ne za mediteran...


0w30 i 5w30 kao što rekoh nemaju veze jedno sa drugim jer su potpuno na različitim bazama...


ajd smanji ribu, esterska ,PAO ili mineralna baza moze biti u ulju koje god hoces gradacije od 0W-20 do 75W140

evo ako se nekom da, ili ima neki dobar link,


za objašnjenje tih 5w40,10w40, itd itd.. što se gdje koristi i koje su razlike,

pa bi mogli napraviti ovaj topic jedan dobar izvor informacija.


a ujedno gledam što da stavim u auto, unutra je mislim 10w40 shell, a sad mi jedan majstor preporučuje za naše krajeve i niske temperature 5w40...

btw, radi se o 1.9 tdi 110ks bosch pumpa..





Inace u Toledo, bas taj isti motor, samo je kod mene chipan sipam Shell Helix Ultra Diesel 5W-40, trosi ga najmanje. Bar kod mene je tako...


e hvala ti za konkretan odgovor, i sad je u njemu shell, samo mislim 10w40, ali ne volim kako ujutro auto radi i dugo mu treba da se zagrije motor.


meni ne troši ovoga nimalo, ili barem neprimjetno...

Posted (edited)
e hvala ti za konkretan odgovor, i sad je u njemu shell, samo mislim 10w40, ali ne volim kako ujutro auto radi i dugo mu treba da se zagrije motor.


meni ne troši ovoga nimalo, ili barem neprimjetno...


Procitaj detaljno link koji sam stavio, pa zakljuci sam ili nemoj, nego odmah stavi 5W-40 :)


Samo da nadodam, treba im malo duze da se zagriju, a i recimo dok klima proradi punom snagom treba malo duze vremena pogotovo ako je jako hladno... Ubrzavanju tog procesa pomaze malo vise gasa u voznji :)

Edited by ND4SPD



Inace u Toledo, bas taj isti motor, samo je kod mene chipan sipam Shell Helix Ultra Diesel 5W-40, trosi ga najmanje. Bar kod mene je tako...


Hvala na linku :thumbsup:


Pošto se preporuča full sintetika, pa ovom linku ispada da je 5w40 čist ok za naša podneblja (-20 do +40), a i zadovoljava 229.3 mercedesovu normu.


E sad još jedno pitanje u vezi "marki" ulja. Pošto i elf, i total, i shell, i castrol i mobil zadovoljavaju normu 229.1 ili 229.3, imaju full sintetiku, itd itd, razlika je? Osim u cijenama naravno...:)


Koje je "najbolje"? :thumbsup:

I plafon 5000 i van


Isprva sam mijenjao na 5kkm, sad mijenjam na 8-10kkm zavisno o režimu vožnje.


Ovo nije trkaće ulje na koje ti misliš - to ti je Chrono varijanta.

Gabre u Zubaku ti je servisna akcija, 560 kn ulje + filter + promjena ulja i filtera + pranje auta + kava + žig u servisnu i ne moraš se mislit koje ulje stavit


dokad je ta akcija, do kraja godine?

Procitaj detaljno link koji sam stavio, pa zakljuci sam ili nemoj, nego odmah stavi 5W-40 :)


Samo da nadodam, treba im malo duze da se zagriju, a i recimo dok klima proradi punom snagom treba malo duze vremena pogotovo ako je jako hladno... Ubrzavanju tog procesa pomaze malo vise gasa u voznji :)



nisam stigao pročitati link, sad dođe u stan, budem kasnije,


nego zašto spominjete često mijenjanje? koliki je interval izmjene 5w40?


i ja ne znam jesam lud ili mi se pričinja, ali sad evo skoro 10 000 od izmjene, i auto mi je dobio neki metalniji zvuk pri većim okretajima, kao da motor onako više "na suho" radi, (malo glupo zvuči), znam :D

a ujutro da ne pričam :drink: čekića ko brodska penta :D

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