Bubi Posted August 28, 2009 Posted August 28, 2009 Rockatansky said: Evo ti link s Mininove http://www.mininova.org/tor/2514368 skinuo sam taj iGO8 i testiram na svom kompu. ima karte italije i vatikana, skinuo sam kartu HR u *.fbl formatu s linka koji je u read me folderu i ubacio ga u content/map folder, ali mi ne prepoznaje HR...kako to?! :drink:
Lovrek Posted August 28, 2009 Posted August 28, 2009 ja eventualno idem na ovo: http://www.szwaywell.com/prod_dtl.asp?id=501
Patrik Posted November 16, 2010 Posted November 16, 2010 Transform Your Dash. Audio/Video, GPS, plugins, front ends, skins and more. https://autoappmart.com/ sve i svasta na jednom mjestu za car pc.. znam da nas nema puno s kompom u autu al svejedno.. ima dobrih stvari i stalno se updatea, check it out:thumbsup: npr: https://autoappmart.com/products/AutoDimmerControl_173 auto dimmer control, da se narihtat jacina svjetlosti ekrana(odredeno vrijeme, na temelju GPS-a, sa senzorima itd) mene hebe jedino sto imam centrafuse 2.1, ovo je za 3.1 i novije...a nemrem nigdje nac crack, pare nedam
Patrik Posted November 16, 2010 Posted November 16, 2010 btw :lol: nasao sam i centrafuse 3.0 s krekom ako neko oce http://btjunkie.org/torrent/Centrafuse-31-309/355775f2476409f5c3b964e4689f15b73c1cb4954e8a dugo nisam trazio a pojavio se na torrentu.. malo sam se poigrao, nije bas jednostavno sve ukomponirat, probao sam navigaciju puknut unutra i jos uvijek stvara probleme kod embedanja aplikacije u centrafuse... al eto, ko se oce igrat..
Tihi Posted November 16, 2010 Posted November 16, 2010 Hvala, mnogo hvala! Moram to sve malo prouciti. Cujemo se koji dan za cugu uz razgovor!
Patrik Posted November 16, 2010 Posted November 16, 2010 moze, al cekaj da svog ponovno spojim da se i ja pohvalim:D
Misek_Chipsy Posted November 16, 2010 Posted November 16, 2010 kak se regat na taj auto appmart? I hvala za novi centrafuse
Patrik Posted November 17, 2010 Posted November 17, 2010 regaj se na forumu http://www.mp3car.com/vbulletin/ i mozes se ulograt s tim usernameom.. no frx za centrafuse al nije najnoviji, izasao je i 3.1:dry:
laser-interceptor Posted November 18, 2010 Posted November 18, 2010 imas i novi app louncher ljugin za CF sa kojim se relativno dobro embeda, meni radi i hauppage i igo kroz njega..
Misek_Chipsy Posted November 26, 2010 Posted November 26, 2010 sve radi super i sve, no htio sam stavit USB bluetooth modul da povezem sa GPS modulom i izbaci mi trial za bluesoleil 30dana, max 2mb... jel ima ko serial za to?
Patrik Posted November 26, 2010 Posted November 26, 2010 eeee s tim sam se nahebo ko zuti i nikad nije radilo kak spada....radije pljuni 200kn za usb gps i rijesio si brdo zivaca i vremena...trust me
Misek_Chipsy Posted November 26, 2010 Posted November 26, 2010 (edited) a kad imam vec sve, glupo mi kupovat.... Edited November 26, 2010 by Misek_Chipsy
Patrik Posted November 26, 2010 Posted November 26, 2010 tak se ni ja nisam dao pa popizdio :lol: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.19498 i rokenrol, radi bez greske
mrky047 Posted November 26, 2010 Posted November 26, 2010 Patrik said: tak se ni ja nisam dao pa popizdio :lol: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.19498 i rokenrol, radi bez greske Jel problem to carinit? Jeli traže one neke dodatne papire za gps?
Patrik Posted November 26, 2010 Posted November 26, 2010 meni je normalno doslo...makar bi bilo pametno rec kinezima da ne napisu da je gps...nek napisu usb samo
mrky047 Posted November 26, 2010 Posted November 26, 2010 Patrik said: meni je normalno doslo...makar bi bilo pametno rec kinezima da ne napisu da je gps...nek napisu usb samo :thumbsup: onda ću ga naručit. Jel se brzo spoji? pretpostavljam da da.
Patrik Posted November 26, 2010 Posted November 26, 2010 odma, cim se dignu windowsi i centrafuse je spojen
Sokre Posted March 25, 2011 Posted March 25, 2011 Možda ti ovo može pomoći: http://hotfile.com/dl/46069276/4a0c325/Flux.Media.Centrafuse.Auto.v3.1.24.309-Lz0.part1.rar.htmlhttp://hotfile.com/dl/46069277/3bab424/Flux.Media.Centrafuse.Auto.v3.1.24.309-Lz0.part2.rar.html To je 3.1, iako je zadnji 3.5 ....
Patrik Posted March 26, 2011 Posted March 26, 2011 igrao se malo s 3.1 trialom ali mi ne sjeda...zasad mi je jos uvijek bolja dvojka al tnx enivej
Patrik Posted August 9, 2011 Posted August 9, 2011 opet nekaj kemijam po carpc-u i naletio na ovo...odlicna ugradnja:) sneck said: Hello! Let me introduce you the Toyota Camry CarPC install! First of all, please excuse me for my english, maybe anything wrong will be with description. If you speak Russian, you may visit russian version of this CarPC Install: http://autopc.com.ua/forum/proekty/93-toyota-camry-hi-tech-carpc.html So let's go! Originally was installed 2DIN radio of this type This device does not suit their functional limitations and does not please the eye, so it was decided to set up the computer, which will replace the original radio. Even more - there will be new features that regular radio can only dream! For the project used the following components: As the primary monitor was used Monitor Lilliput 869GL-80NP/C/T 8 "CarPC. This model was chosen for several reasons: 1. 8-inch screen is completely filled out 2DIN frame and there are no plastic parts visible display that will give the factory installed appearance. 2. The monitor have LED LCD, as compared with the standard radio is much higher brightness, and resolution is higher. 3. The monitor has an HDMI input. When you connect via HDMI the image is crystal clear, as from interference from the board network of the car has no chance to affect the picture. Also been purchased 2DIN frame for Toyota Camry. Further modifications will occur to embed it into the monitor (described later). Case for CarPC - 0601. Very easy to assemble CarPC, if the installation location is not limited to a height of the housing. Its height is 80mm, so it is quite easy and not difficult to gather such a computer. Also, ventilation is better than the very low profile housing, given that the motherboard is installed with passive cooling (see below). Motherboard ASUS AT5IONT-I. Intel Atom D525, NVIDIA ION, 2xDDR3, USB3.0, DVI, HDMI. This motherboard is suited best for several reasons: 1. Low power consumption. 2. It is quite enough processing power for such systems. 3. HDMI output for high-quality images. 4. Passive cooling. But one a ball-bearing cooler was installed on the case. Also in CarPC installed 64Gb SSD drive and 4GB DDR3 Power supply M2-ITX 160W ITPS DC / DC. 160 watts is enough for everything including all the peripherals. And of course such useful features as battery discharge control, intelligent control of ACC, etc. As for sound, was used IsoAmp USB Lite CarPC power. At this stage, the sound is certainly not required to win the competitions. Maybe later the project will reach that acoustics will be completely replaced. This amplifier is equal to the sound quality of a good brand radio. Its advantages is the size of 100h83h62mm and connection method. Such an amplifier can be installed without a problem where was original radio, its connectors can make a standard connection port as the standard car radio. In our case, it will be installed in the trunk, but more on that later. Our Toyota Camry has regular buttons on the steering wheel, of course it's need to use these buttons for maximum benefit and convenience. For these purposes, was installed adapter of resistive buttons on the steering wheel. Of course any car must have good radio and our Camry is no exception! From my own experience I know that many CarPC Radio's do not provide high-quality reception and listening to the radio in this case, become irritable event, so for our project was used this High Quality CarPC USB FM Tuner! As the GPS module was selected proven GPS BU-353 USB Also our car will record everything that happens on the road in front of him. Buy expensive and / or external recorders did not want one of those reasons that HD recording is not needed, install a separate "box" for video and did not make sense, separate registrators on the glass should be given the time, constantly pressing the buttons on their. Our registrator must silence his record and when it will be necessary to see (save for another drive) video, which can be very important. Therefore, for video camera was bought the Microsoft VX-2000. The advantage of this camera is that its "foot" is even suitable for its attachment to the windshield. With its objectives, it will be easy to handle! For peripheral USB devices will be used USB hub DLINK DUB-H7. I believe that this is the most common USB hub amateur CarPC. + one more parking camera front and rear view, which must be connected to our monitor, and so that the back of the camera is turned back without a false inclusion of transmission when the handle is moved to position "D" (automatic). Perhaps for accessories is everything!
Patrik Posted August 9, 2011 Posted August 9, 2011 sneck said: CarPC Install Let's start with our 2DIN Frame! Need to turn monitor and frame together. It should have factory view and securely attached the monitor with the frame. The display was dismantled to check and see how the frame of monitor will be attached to the 2 DIN frame. As you can see on the photo, the bottom of the frame of the monitor slightly protruding. There's no turning back, so I cut down a piece of framework. 7 "monitor would fit perfectly here, but we do not need a visible black plastic frame inside 2DIN. So 8" just fits into the size 2DIN. In consequence of that the lower part of the monitor was successfully removed! The process of bonding the monitor and frame not photographed. The main tool was the soldering iron. Once the monitor body was fitted under the frame size were cut 90 degree corners of the unnecessary plastic PSU, which served as fasteners. In the picture below you can these corners on edges of the monitor. Total has gone 10 pcs. Technology is that it is necessary to mix the composition of plastic as possible in the plane and most important it does not overheat, so that the solder will be coming on the front side. In general... a one plane of the corner fit to other plane of monitor. The compound looks very strong. I tried to pull it off and it was without success! Next was installed and fixed matrix with touch panel. Monitor was fully assembled. The monitor is now factory for the Toyota Camry! First powering the monitor after the assembly was with success! (connected to laptop). It's time to assamble CarPC. As the platform was chosen motherboard ASUS AT5IONT-I. The process of assembling is not difficult. Must connect cords from the case power supply for USB hub and do not forget to check how you to set up the jumpers in the M2-ITX box that it worked correctly. Connecting CarPC to our monitor to check their joint performance. In the photo has already CarPC off, but believe me it works. Well, it's time to go to my garage and try to install it all. Of course you first need to disassemble everything, but first of all you need to reading the instructions about how to disassemble, because you may accidentally break something ... First you need to get rid of the clutter and wiring, which left a tape recorder. It was the module navigation, TV tuner, a bunch of irregularly wound wires, some switches installed for two parking camera to interact with a tape recorder, etc. There had to be: 1. find contacts that are responsible for the control buttons on the steering wheel 2. connecting a resistive adapter of buttons 3. connect the radio and do not forget to use an active antenna power 4. install GPS module 5. install all the USB cables 6. HDMI Monitor cable 7. connect the parking cameras 8. instal and conduct here USB camera for video registration 9. install a USB hub number 1 for the daily use of USB devices 10. install a USB hub number 2 to connect many peripheral devices 11. connect ACC to the computer to turn on/off computer by the key. 12. out wires from the speakers and so, perhaps something forgot already ... Now you can try monitor and the climate control module, which are twisted together, for installation in car. Monitor and climate perfectly joined together, there is no backlash. After the above described actions, it is time to do the wiring. In this case, it is very important to properly connect the wires and place them, as there are many problems associated with it, for example, fall off a USB device, there are interferences in the sound or image, etc. It is important to use the correct cables and accessories! Gradually, everything was plugged and all wires was out to the next step of installation. After such work it was decided to change the view and move to the trunk in order to mount the CarPC. No complicated manipulation of the drill the system unit has been placed very quickly. P.S. Please do not wathc on the CD-changer in right corner, still not removed. Then we return to our wires, which should go to the trunk. The wires will go at the left door. All wiring is placed and tightened with clamps to a standard wiring, with a minimum of "twisting". Next, the wires on the left side of the fall in the trunk. At this stage, it was necessary to check all the devices located in the front, whether they work. Since the CarPC is not connected for this purpose was used laptop. All devices have been tested and is now safe to connect CarPC. It's time to mount a USB hub. It was decided to install it on a shelf above the closing ashtray. On the back of the shelf was made a hole for the wires, a USB was mounted inside box on the picture below. Next, was installed the CarPC amplifier. To avoid problems with the sound, it was decided to put it near the computer. This amplifier has a control via USB, making it ideal for quick and quality settings. When everything is plugged in and checked again can try to turn the whole system. It works! Also was installed front parking camera. It connects to a video input 869 of the monitor. The rear view camera is also connected to the monitor. In order to avoid false inclusion worked the camera when moving the handle in the automatic transmission "Drive" was set a timer, which sets the threshold of 1 second. Thus when you move the knob to position "D" Camera not included. If you include the "R" camera starts to work in one second. This picture is clearly shows how much quality and ergonomic fit the CarPC in this car. The buttons on the steering wheel work properly with Centrafuse. Video recording camera installed behind the mirror back, its almost not visible from the driver's seat. The camera does not interfere with visibility. The camera records video overlay cyclically information GPS: speed, direction, location, date and time. At any time you can press one button on the screen and the last 20 minutes (or as given) will be written to the hard drive without further rewriting. For convenience, when the vehicle is not in motion, you can use with CarPC wireless mouse. In my opinion the project of Toyota Camry High Tech CarPC is pretty interesting, unique ideas were applied and used the interesting parts. I will be glad to answer any questions! If you are speak russian you may visit russian version of this project! link na thread: http://www.mp3car.com/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=1449749
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