Hic Posted June 17, 2016 Author Posted June 17, 2016 Stock 560-565. Vlasnik nije za pokazivanje po faceu/forumu, nicega. Tek kad je gotov.
Lovrek Posted June 17, 2016 Posted June 17, 2016 Ovu serpu vidjam u garazi od Play-a/Niva centra... Brutalan auto
Guba Posted June 17, 2016 Posted June 17, 2016 daj opali koju sliku lamba ak vlasnik dopusti Jel ovaj?
t.m. Posted June 17, 2016 Posted June 17, 2016 Samo cu reci: kakav auto. Za vozit se svaki dan i ko gospon, nema jačeg auta....znači ubojica...sa nekim auspuhom i usisom, malo HIC-napitka i 700 uporabljivih konja za svaki dan....a launch ti daje oči na potiljku...
Hic Posted June 17, 2016 Author Posted June 17, 2016 Realno, 640 Za 700 treba upgrejdane turbine. Ali i ovako ide ko sivonja
Hic Posted June 18, 2016 Author Posted June 18, 2016 Samo da se znate ravnati: DYNO FAQ So you are booked in for your first Dyno Tune. You may have some questions, here are the common ones to keep you on the right track. Q: Should I make sure my spark plugs, leads and ignition system are in good working order prior to my booking? A: Certainly not. Just like other known issues, ignition problems provide your tuner with a bit of a challenge. They will enjoy removing your spark plugs for you (especially if they are hard to reach) as laying on the engine reaching down the back when it is scorching hot on the dyno keeps them warm in the cooler winter months. Q: It’s the morning of my booking and my car isn’t ready, should I call and notify my dyno tuner? A:It is generally considered best to not make any contact with the tuner, if they try and call you simply don’t answer. Once your car is ready for tuning, showing up unannounced and expecting the tuner to drop everything and tune your car is common and widely accepted by most dyno tuners as the best option. Q: Does a dyno tune use much fuel? A: No. Most modern day dynamometers utilize new technology to reduce fuel consumption. Minimal (and if available, poor quality) fuel is best. The DIS Dyno Systems EMS 1000 has the latest unicorn drive fitted allowing vehicles to be tuned with no fuel at all, converting the perpetual kinetic energy from a small amount of unicorn horn to drive the vehicle’s drive line throughout the tune. Q: Should my dyno tuner guarantee that my engine will not be damaged? A: Yes. Any tuner worth their salt should be able to utilize their time machine and x-ray vision to look inside your engine and assess the overall condition, service history, quality of parts used, and ability to handle the increased performance you are asking him/her to achieve. New parts further guarantee the strength of your engine, especially components purchased on certain online auction websites, manufactured in communist countries. Q: I heard dynos destroy tyres should I put my old junk tyres on for the dyno? A: Quality tyres are expensive, ideally fit your vehicle with old tyres. If possible, find some with some canvas and steel belting hanging out of the tyre. This not only gives the tuner an audible indication of wheel speed it also makes for some exciting sparks and possibly a tyre failure which everybody enjoys, just look at burnout competitions, it’s a real crowd pleaser. Q: What should I consider when chosing an ECU? A: Cost is the main consideration when selecting engine management. The cheapest option, even if not suitable for your engine configuration, will give you tuner the biggest challenge, they like challenges. This way you can spend more on tuning and add ons and it gives you the best chance of poor starting and garbage economy that comes with only the best race cars. It’s Also a good idea to choose an engine management system that your tuner has never seen before, obscure one off systems with difficult to use software allow your tuner the opportunity to learn and extend their knowledge while tuning your car. They often like to learn new things and will thank you for the opportunity (they might even give you a discount!) Q: If there is an issue I know about should I let my tuner know before he/she starts? A: Generally not, its like stealing the limelight at a wedding. You are robbing the tuner of the opportunity to challenge himself. Most tuners enjoy the thrill of the hunt, an intermittent misfire, a dodgy wiring connection or faulty fuel pump can provide hours of genuine entertainment for a dyno tuner. They will be very grateful. Q: My car didn’t make as much power as I thought, what should I do? A: Complain. Most dyno tuners try to achieve low power outputs by running less timing, low boost and rich mixtures, this ensures that your car can’t go too fast and improves road safety. Road safety is a high priority for dyno tuners but they are generally afraid of mushrooms, so please keep this in mind. Q: Can I stand in the dyno cell while my car is being tuned? A: Yes, OH&S is not an issue as it is your car. Often wheel weights can come off wheels at 200km/h or more and trying to catch them with your face is a great way to pass the time with your friends. If you have taken our advice on tyres, get a friend to stand at the back and video the sparks on their phone, when the tyre blows you will all have a great story to tell and have a few laughs over. Q: I have a previous dyno run, or a friends car that is the same that made more power, why? A: Your tuner must not be very good at their job. Non tune related variables in dyno readouts such as gear used, tiedown method, tyre compound & size, air density, air temperature probe location, dyno calibration, ramp rate, fuel quality, and many other factors are standardized by the National Dynamometer Variable Council (NDVC) so these will never be a factor in your power readout. If your readout is lower than another dyno on a different day it will most likely be because of the tune. Q: I’m not 100% happy with the tune I have, what should I do? A: Definitely do not talk to your tuner about the specific issues you are having and give them the opportunity to rectify them. If you do this you will most likely offend and upset them. If you do talk to them stick to vague descriptions like “Its just not right” or “it feels funny” this way you wont sound like a know it all. It is best to post in face book groups or on your own page that your tune is rubbish and never to go there, this way you can express your concerns without upsetting the tuner. You should be now armed with the best information to ensure a quick, painless and quality tune! Good Luck! Stay tuned for more great tips including, “Using the internet to Fix Your Car” and “How to Talk to Mechanics”.
robert Posted June 18, 2016 Posted June 18, 2016 Vozio sam jucer evo 10 crveni sta je Hic radio, kupio je poznanik iz rijeke, Hic radio mapu i auto ide jakooooooo. Eto moja pohvala
robert Posted June 18, 2016 Posted June 18, 2016 Vozio sam jucer evo 10 crveni sta je Hic radio, kupio je poznanik iz rijeke, Hic radio mapu i auto ide jakooooooo. Eto moja pohvala
Hic Posted June 18, 2016 Author Posted June 18, 2016 Sad ce Matjaz popravit, taj tvoj poznanik me posrao kako nemam pojma, kladim se da me nikad nije vidio Pozdravi ga, plati mu kavu, uplatim ti 20kn
robert Posted June 18, 2016 Posted June 18, 2016 (edited) Sad ce Matjaz popravit, taj tvoj poznanik me posrao kako nemam pojma, kladim se da me nikad nije vidio Pozdravi ga, plati mu kavu, uplatim ti 20kn Nemam pojma tko je koga posrao, decko je jako dobar frend od mog prijatelja, ja sam auto probao i strava ide i napisao sam kao pohvalu i to je sve Edited June 18, 2016 by robert
Hic Posted June 21, 2016 Author Posted June 21, 2016 https://vimeo.com/171534464 Od jucer....prije radova
Hic Posted June 29, 2016 Author Posted June 29, 2016 Pors....kakav auto, svaka cas inzinjerima. Ali i Miletu.... Auto je bomba.
Lovrek Posted June 30, 2016 Posted June 30, 2016 (edited) Vidio sam na faceu... Prebrutalno... Koliko bi sad negdje vozio na 400m? Ispod 11? Edit: sad vidio da serijski vozi 10.9s Edited June 30, 2016 by Lovrek
Hic Posted June 30, 2016 Author Posted June 30, 2016 Mislim da ide ispod 10....turbine su maximizirane sada, vlasnik je rekao: smanjite!!!!
Hic Posted June 30, 2016 Author Posted June 30, 2016 Ide navodno do 9,5.....NAVODNO. Ali ovaj sigurno nikad ne bu stao na crtu sa kokosinjcem
Vlado206 Posted June 30, 2016 Posted June 30, 2016 Da nije od Željca? Vidim neke slike na FBu a slicno izgledaju...?
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