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Rekoh ti vec. Prestani srat i lagat, nauci se citati, nemoj biti tolika debilcina da ne odvojis 10minuta da procitas link koji ti 10-ti put postam, pa onda dodji srat, ako imas za sto.


A 3400nm si mozes gurnut znas kam...to samo ti mozes izmjeriti na svom super duper dynu koji mjeri gubitke nakon rucnog unasanja parametara, how yes no!

...radije vrati novce Brklji, Mislavu i svima kojima je tvoja ajvar salama sjebala motore!!!!!




Nemoj se ljutit, ali ti si napisao gore da te boli briga ako nekome strgaš lamelu, jer radiš "ono što te drugi traže".


Ako je Fire nekome mapirao auto s nekakvom pumpom goriva, a ovaj promjeni pumpu goriva i promjeni tlak goriva i sjebe motor - jel to Fireova greška ili... ?

Posted (edited)

Caddy je od mog prijatelja kojem sam radio za njega. Lamela je potrosni dio. NITKO ti nece priznati lamelu kao "potrgani dio". SVAKO ali bas SVAKO je unaprijed upozoren na mogucnosti da nesto podje po krivu i nitko nije puskom natjeran na tuning. SAMI BIRAJU. Ne moras meni o odgovornosti, ja ovaj posao radim 15g. I da, boli me briga za potrosne dijelove. Ako covjek hoce 500ks, a ima serijski kuplung, sto bi ja trebao? Kupiti mu novi za 500ks? Kaj je zglavom?


A to sto pises za firea, nije slucaj,nit je brklja mjenjao pumpu, niti doticni kojem se rastopio motor, nakon 15minutnog tuninga muhe....


Fire, tuning traje satima ako hoces da auto vozi dalje od trece brzine, a ne 15 minuta...a taj covjek ti nesto jako lose sprema...ja bi se zabrinuo.

Edited by Hic

A evo ti muho, s obzirom da si toliki lijeni ignorant, i citat iz teksta, MOZDA ce ti biti jasnije, kad ti se razbistri malo:


In order to simplify the Torque values even further, both Dyno Manufactures have what we term “Derived Torque”, which is a calculated value based of RWKW and “Engine

RPM”, this calculated “Derived Torque” takes any gear multiplication out of the equation, so one very good way of using Derived Torque is, if you have a particular car that had 3.46 diff gears, and has now been changed to 3.7, the Derived Torque value will not be affected, whereas the Roller Torque will, due to the fact the overall gearing of the car has changed.

On a Mainline DynoLog, the user has 4 available RPM signals available to the software for it to Calculate the Derived Torque, Tacho RPM (ie HT lead, injector trigger etc), OBDII Tacho RPM, ECU Serial/CAN Data Stream, or lastly, Derived RPM from the Roller Speed. The first 3 options will provide very accurate Derived Torque values, whereas using Derived RPM (which is based on a ratio of vehicle dashboard tacho against roller speed), will not be very accurate on a Automatic car due to the varying slip ratio of a torque convertor, but will be accurate at whatever point the Derived RPM figure was set. Dyno Dynamics also have a version of Derived Torque; we believe it’s just called RWNm or just Torque Nm on a Graph when printed.

While we always suggest that users of our system should use use Derived Torque on a Report given to customers, they can do as they please, and a lot just use and/or print Roller Torque. It only takes a few seconds to choose to display Derived Torque.

All of our reports do report Motive Force, so for a comparative point of view to a Dyno Dynamics Dyno Graph, compare the Tractive Effort to Motive Force on a Mainline DynoLog.

Now something to remember, the Motive Force or Torque trace, has the exact same shape curve when compared on a similar Graph Scale. Also, the Derived Torque shape will be the same shape as Roller torque for a manual car, but can be quite different and more “manual” car looking for an Automatic car.

Another benefit of displaying Derived Torque, that is you are a Horsepower and Foot Pounds of Torque junky, instead of kW and Nm, the Derived Torque and Horsepower will cross at 5252rpm, (just like it does on an Engine Dyno).

Pa ljepo ti pise u tom pdf-u, ako krivo podesis calibraciju da ce krivo izmjeriti moment. I ti tocno to napravio.


Slusaj glupane, kalibracije UOPCE NEMA. Jel vidis koliko si glup? Jako glup ili samo parcijalno danas 94% glup?


Jel vidis da na sheetu pise TORQUE? A ne derived torque? Jel vidis da su RPM 0 (slovima: NULA)??


Ocigledno ne vidis, ili si glup. Treceg objasnjenja nema.


S obzirom da posjedujes vozacku, mislim da ipak vidis.


IPAK si samo glup.


Evo ti jos jednom, jer ne znas citati nazalost :(:(:(:(:(:(


While we always suggest that users of our system should use use Derived Torque on a Report given to customers, they can do as they please, and a lot just use and/or print Roller Torque.


Ako pogledas na dyno sheet, ne pise DERIVED TORQUE, te je to moment na valjcima.


Ako pogledas npr. Mercedesov dyno sheet, VIDJET ces da pise DERIVED TORQUE, i on oznacava moment NA kotacima.


EOD s tobom idi pisat brojkice u dyno da ti auti imaju vise konja za naivne budale.


killer, daj procitaj gore sto pise :D:D:D:D:


Sve je u detalje objasnjeno.


Pa valjda znas engleski, nisi ko neki :D




On the common types of Chassis Dyno’s we see here in Australia, (Mainline DynoLog or Dyno Dynamics), both of these dyno’s, calculate power at the roller in the same fashion. That is, we measure Roller RPM and Roller Torque and these two variables are used in the traditional Power calculation formula, either metric or imperial, you get the same result: HP (@ roller) = (roller torque ft/lbs x roller rpm)/5252


kW (@ roller) = (roller torque Nm x roller rpm)/9543

When the term Roller Torque is used, this means we are measuring Torque from a Load Cell that is attached in some fashion to the Retarder (Eddy Current Retarder/PAU) that is coupled to the Drive Rollers (the knurled rollers). The Retarder applies a braking force to the Rollers, and since the Retarder Frame is restrained from turning by the Load Cell, the force is transferred into the Load Cell which measures force in typically Kg or pounds force. The length of the arm the Load Cell is attached to is precisely known, so, with force over a given length, we can determine “Torque” in Nm or Ft/lbs.

Roller RPM is usually measured by an Inductive speed sensor of some type, or a Shaft Encoder, or in the old days on a Vane Dyno, a Tacho generator.

These two inputs are used by the Dynamometer Control System to calculate the Power.

Now, because we measure Torque down in the Dyno bed from a device that is coupled to the Roller, ANY gear multiplication, or gear reduction, will influence the Torque measured at the Roller. So some variances that come into the equation are:

 Torque Converter slip ratio

 Transmission ratio

 Differential ratio

 Tyre size

 Roller size

These variables all influence the Torque as measured at the roller. Some people will then initially think, the lower the gear, the more Torque, so the more Power we will make, THIS IS NOT TRUE.

Remember the formula for calculating Power, we have Torque AND RPM, so if we use a lower gear ratio, the corresponding Roller RPM will be reduced by the same factor as the Torque is increased, so we end up with the same power. This is a purely mathematical explanation.

Malo sam se poigrao sa prijateljevim auticem. Do 1.6bara...ne treba vise. Ozbiljna igrackica!



Ovog možeš komotno nazvati svojim autom koliko je tamo M se neće ljutiti on je samo velik :rofl: :rofl:

Servis, kuplung, remap....all inclusive :) Moramo ga malo razveseliti, sad je ipak srebrni na CMAS-u :):):):)


Mda, čudo si :D

Pitaj ti njega za drugu medalju kakve je boje reci da ti je Marin šapnuo :rofl::rofl:

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