Nebih se baš složio s tobom, moje skromno iskustvo govori drugačije a kaže da se na plin ne forsira auto.
Vidio sam par sranja kojem je baš to bio uzrok.
Naletio na uk volvo forumu na zanimljiv text kojeg je pisao čovjek koji ima servis za ugradnju LPG instalacija.:
A lean mixture doesn't increase the average combustion temp, it may cause localised increased combustion temps but the most damaging effect of a lean mixture is caused by a combination of the slower burn, which can lead to hotter gas exiting the cylinder past the exhaust valve, and the fact that this gas will contain a higher amount of oxygen. Slower burn rates due to lean mixtures are the reason why vehicles are more likely to backfire with a lean mixture, because the cylinder is hotter when the valves overlap (hot gas in cylinder when inlet valve opens ignites mixture in manifold on petrol carb and single point LPG systems).